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2007 12 2006 147
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SLR Related Publications for 2007

Blagodyr, Ja., Bilinsky, A., Martynyuk-Lototsky, K., et al. "Overview and Performance of the Ukrainian SLR Station "Lviv-1831"", Artificial Satellites, Vol.42(1), pp. 9 - 15, 2007. DOI: 10.2478/v10018-007-0014-4

Bolotina, O.V., Medvedskij, M.M., "Some results of investigation of the stability of the ukrainian SLR stations", Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.11-17, 2007 (in Ukrainian).

Kirchner, G., W. Hausleitner, E. Cristea, "AJISAI Spin Parameter Determination using Graz kHz Satellite Laser Ranging Data", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp 201-205, January 2007.

Mueller, J., Biskupek, L., Oberst, J., Schreiber, U. Contribution of Lunar Laser Ranging to Realise Geodetic Reference Systems. Reviewed Proceedings of the GRF2006 Meeting, Munich, 9-13. October 2006, under
review, 2007.

Murphy, T.W., Nordtvedt, K., Turyshev, S.G., Gravitomagnetic Influence on Gyroscopes and on the Lunar Orbit, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 071102, 2007. [arXiv: gr-qc/0702028]

Nicholas, A.C., Picone, J.M., Emmert, J., DeYoung, J., Healy, L., Wasiczko, L., Davis, M., Cox, C., “Preliminary Results from the Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment Risk Reduction Mission”, Proc. of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, paper #AAS 07-265, Mackinac Island, MI, Aug 20-24, 2007.

Pearlman, M., C. Noll, W. Gurtner, and R. Noomen, The International Laser Ranging Service and its Support for GGOS, Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools. Rizos, C., Tregoning, P. (Eds.), IAG Symposia 130, ISBN: 978-3-540-49349-5, 2007.

Pearlman, M., Z. Altamimi, N. Beck, R. Forsberg, W. Gurtner, S. Kenyon, D. Behrend, F.G. Lemoine, C. Ma, C.E. Noll, E.C. Pavlis, Z. Malkin, A.W. Moore, F.H. Webb, R.E. Neilan, J.C. Ries, M. Rothacher, and P. Willis, GGOS Working Group on Networks, Communication, and Infrastructure, Dynamic Planet - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools. Rizos, C., Tregoning, P. (Eds.) , IAG Symposia 130,ISBN: 978-3-540-49349-5, 2007.

Pearlman, M., C. Noll, J. McGarry, W. Gurtner, E. Pavlis, The International Laser Ranging Service, AOGS 2007, Adv. Geosciences, under review, 2007.

Plag, H.-P., M. Rothacher, M. Pearlman, R. Neilan, C. Ma, The Global Geodetic Observing System, AOGS 2007, Adv. Geosciences, under review, 2007.

Welch, Bryan W., "Benefits Derived From Laser Ranging Measurements for Orbit Determination of the GPS Satellite Orbit", NASA/TM-2007-214971, August 2007.

Williams, J. G., S. G. Turyshev, and D. H. Boggs, "Williams, Turyshev, and Boggs Reply", Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, (#5) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.059002, (Feb 2) 2007.

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