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Snowdon to lead LGBTI discussion, workshop today at Lab

June 15, 2005

Part of Gay Pride Month in June

Shane Snowdon of the University of California Office of the President and director of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex resources, will lead a workshop on LGBTI workplace issues today at the Laboratory.

The workshop is at 11:30 this morning in the Materials Science Laboratory Auditorium at Technical Area 3 and is open to the Lab work force.

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (HR-OEOD) along with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex Diversity (LGBTI) Working Group and the Diversity Affirmative Action Board are co-sponsors of the workshop and other scheduled events in June as part of the Lab's observance of Gay Pride Month.

For more information, see Tuesday's Daily Newsbulletin.

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