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SLR Related Publications for 1984

Abshire, J.B., McGarry, J.F., Rowe, H.E., and Degnan, J.J., "Streak Camera-Based Laser Ranging Receiver Development", 5th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 466, 1984.

Bauersima, I., Kloeckler, P. and Gurtner, W., "Progress Report 1984", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 448, 1984.

Bender, P.L. and Vincent, M.A., "Effects of Instrumental Errors on Geophysical Results", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 28, 1984.

Bender, P.L., Faller, J.E., Hall, J.L., Hils, D. and Vincent, M.A., "Proposed One Million Kilometer Laser Gravitational Antenna in Space", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 464, 1984.

Beutler, G., Gurtner, W. and Rothacher, M., "Realtime Filtering of Laser Ranging Observations at the Zimmerwald Satellite Observatory", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 203, 1984.

Born, G.H., Wunsch, C. and Yamarone, C.A., "TOPEX: Observing the Oceans from Space", EOS, Vol. 65, pp. 433-434, 1984.

Bowman, S.R., Alley, C.O., Degnan, J.J., Cao, W.L., Zhang, M.Z. and Wang, N.H., "New Laser Developments Toward a Centimeter Accuracy Lunar Ranging System", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 480, 1984.

Bryant, R.J. and Guilfoyle, J.P., "An Overview of the NLRS Ranging Software, 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation", Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 384, 1984.

Castle, R.O., Estrem, J.E. and Savage, J.C., "Uplift Across Long Valley Caldera, California", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 11507-11516, 1984.

Cech, M., "Start Discriminator for Mode Locked Train Laser Radar", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation", Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 219, 1984.

Cheney, R.E., Douglas, B.C., Sandwell, D.T., Marsh, J.G., et al, "Applications of Satellite Altimetry to Oceanography and Geophysics", Marine Geophys. Res., Vol. 7, pp. 17-32, 1984.

Cogley, J.G., "Map Projections with a Freely Variable Aspect", EOS, Vol. 65, pp. 481-483, 1984.

Cohen, S.C., "Postseismic Deformation due to Subcrustal Viscoelastic Relaxation Following Dip-Slip Earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 4538-4545, 1984.

Colquitt, E.S., Anderle, R.J. and Malyevac, C.A., "Earth's Rotation and Polar Motion from NAVSAT", J. Astronaut. Sci., Vol. 32, pp. 393-405, 1984.

Darby, D., Gonzalez, J.J. and Lesage, P., "Geodetic Studies in Baja California, Mexico, and the Evaluation of Short-Range Data from to 1974 to 1982" J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 2478-2490, 1984.

Degnan, J.J., "An Overview of NASA Airborne and Spaceborne Laser Ranging Development", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 102, 1984.

Degnan, J.J., Zadwodzki, T.W., and Rowe, H.E., "Satellite Laser Ranging Experiments with an Upgraded Moblas Station", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 166, 1984.

Dickey, J.O., Williams, J.G., and Newhall, X.X., "Fifteen Years of Lunar Laser Ranging Accomplishments and Future Challenges", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 19, 1984.

Dunn, P.J., Christodoulidis, D., and Smith, E.D., "Some Modelling Requirements for Precise LAGEOS Orbit Analysis", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 42, 1984.

Dunn, P.J., Johnson, C.C., Mansfield, A.W., and Johnson, T.S., "The Software System for TLRS II, 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation", Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 332, 1984.

Edge, D.R., "GLTN Laser Data Products", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 407, 1984.

Edge, D.R., Heinick, M. J., "Recent Improvements in Data Quality From Mobile Laser Satellite Tracking Stations", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 302, 1984.

Engelis, T.L., Rapp, R.H., and Tscherning, C.C., "The Precise Computation of Geoid Undulation Differences with Comparison to Results Obtained from the Global Positioning System", -pre-print received: 841001. Reprint from Geophys. Res. Let., V.1, pp. 821-824, 1984.

Engelis, T.L., and Rapp, R.H., "Global Ocean Circulation Patterns Based on SEASAT Altimeter Data and GEML2 Gravity Field", -reprint from Mar. Geophys. Res., V.7, pp. 55-67, 1984.

Flinn, E.A., "International Lithosphere Program-Exploiting the Geodynamics Revolution", - Aerosp. Amer., V. 22, pp. 104-107, 1984.

Fotiou, A., and Livieratos, E., "A Strain Interpretation in the Comparison of Network Coordinate Differences due to Datum Change", - Bull. Geod., V.58, pp. 527-540, 1984.

Fumin, Y., Youming, Z., Xiaoliang, S., Detong, T., Chikun, X., Jinyuan, S., and Jiaqian, L., "Performance and Early Observation of the Second-Generation Satellite Laser Ranging System at Shanghai Observatory", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 414, 1984.

Gardner, C.S., and Abshire, J.B., "Atmospheric Refraction and Target Speckle Effects on the Accuracy of Laser Ranging Systems", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 29, 1984.

Goad, C.C., Tsherning, C.C. and Chin, M.M., "Gravity Empirical Covariance Values for the Continental United States", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7962-7968, 1984.

Goldstein, J.D., "The Effect of Coordinate System Rotations on Spherical Harmonic Expansions: A Numerical Method", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 4413-4418, 1984.

Greene, B.A., "Epoch Timing For Laser Ranging", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 247, 1984.

Greene, B.A., "Further Development of the NLRS at Orroral", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 98, 1984.

Greene, B.A., and Visser, H., "Spectral Filters For Laser Ranging", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 240, 1984.

Hajela, D.P., "Optimal Estimation of a High Degree Gravity Field from a Global Set 1� x 1� Anomalies to Degree and Order 250", OSU-Rpt. 358, 60pp, 1984.

Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Novotny, A., and Prochazka, I., "Interkosmos Laser Radar, Version Mode Locked Train", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 214, 1984.

Hamal, K., Prochazka, I., and Gaignebet, J., "Laser Radar Indoor Calibration Experiment", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 92, 1984.

Hamal, K., Prochazka, I., and Gaignebet, J., "Two Wavelength Picosecond Ranging on Ground Target", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 85, 1984.

Harriman, D.W., and Harrison, J.C., "A Statistical Analysis of Gravity Induced Errors in Airborne Inertial Navigation", -Copy of AIAA Paper 84-1877. 11pp, 1984.

Harrison, J.C., "Techniques for Measuring Gravity on and Close to the Earth's Surface", -Copy of AIAA Paper 84-1873. 6pp, 1984.

Harrison, J.C., and Sato, T., "Implimentation of Electrostatic Feedback With a LaCoste-Romberg Model G Gravity Meter", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7957-7961, 1984.

Hofmann-Wellenhof, B., "Multipoles and Finite Elements for the Representation of the Potential", - V.9, pp. 93-109, 1984.

Hyde, B., "Further Thoughts on a Minimal Transmitter for Laser Ranging", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 129, 1984.

Irwin, B.W., "Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis", - MacMillan, 762pp, 1984.

Jelinkova, H., "Mode Locked Train Laser Transmitter", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 224, 1984.

Johnson, T.S., Bane, W.L., Johnson, C.C., Mansfield, A.W., and Dunn, P.J., "The Transportable Laser Ranging System Mark III", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p324, 1984.

Kaula, W.M., "Tectonic Contrasts Between Venus and the Earth", Geophy. Rsch. Ltr., V.11, pp. 35-37, 1984.

Kearey, P., and Brooks, M., "An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration", - Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications, 296pp, 1984.

Kielek, W., "Single-Shot Accuracy Improvement Using Right Filtration and Fraction Values in Multi-Photoelectron Case", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p 112, 1984.

Kiernan, E., and White, M.L., "A Description of the Mt. Haleakala Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging Software", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 371, 1984.

King, N.E., and Savage, J.C., "Regional Deformation Near Palmdale, California", 1973-1983, J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 2471-2477, 1984.

Kirchner, D., and Ressler, H., "A Fibre Optic Time and Frequency Distribution System", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 297, 1984.

Kirchner, G., "Report of the Activities of the Laser Station Graz-Lustbuehel", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 424, 1984.

Kloeckler, P., and Bauersima, I., "In Pass Calibration During Laser Ranging Operation", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 194, 1984.

Larden, D.R., "The Likely Impact of Tectonic Plate Motion on Earth Rotation Results from Lunar Laser Ranging", Manuscriptica Geodetica,9, pp. 137-15, 1984.

Leschiutta, S., Marra, S., and Mazzucchelli, R., "Thermal Effects on Detectors and Counters", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 119, 1984.

Livieratos, E., "Similarity Transformation Relations of the Connection in Gravity Space", V.9, pp. 110-124, 1984.

Mandel, J., "The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data", - Dover, 410pp, 1984.

Mashhoon, B., Hehl, F.W., and Theiss, D.S., "On the Gravitational Effects of Rotating Masses: The Thirring-Lense Papers", - General Relativity and Gravitation, V.16, pp. 711-750, 1984.

Masters, E.G., "Applications of Satellite Geodesy to Geodynamics", - Univ. of New South Wales Rpt. No. S-25, 208pp, 1984.

Mooers, C.N.K., Barrick, D.E., Cheney, R.E., Lame, D.B., and Marsh, J.G., "The Potential of Satellite-Based Altimeters", EOS-V.65, pp. 81, 86-87, 1984.

Mueller, I.I., "Reference Coordinate Systems and Frames: Concepts and Realization", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 10, 1984.

Nagy, D., "A Neh�zs�gi Gyorsul�s Norm�l �rt�k�nek Sz�m't�si K�pletei (in Hungarian) Formula for Computing the Normal Values of Gravity", -Copy of Geod�zia �s Kartogr�phia, V.36, pp. 101-106, 1984.

Nicholson, C., Simpson, D.W., Singh, S., and Zollweg, J.E., "Crustal Studies, Velocity Inversions, and Fault Tectonics: Results from a Microearthquake Survey in the New Madrid Seismic Zone", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 4545-4558, 1984.

Novotny, A., and Prochazka, I., "Upgrading the Computer Control of the Interkosmos Laser Ranging Station in Helwan", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 396, 1984.

Okal, E., "Intraplate Seismicity of the Southern Part of the Pacific Plate", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 10053-10071, 1984.

Palutan, F., Boccadoro, M., Casotto, S., Cenci, A., De Agostini, A., and Caporali, A., "First Results from Satellite Laser Ranging Activity at Matera", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 429, 1984.

Pearlman, M., "Laser System Characterization", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 66, 1984.

Prochazka, I., "Mode Locked Train YAG Laser Ranging Data Processing", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 401, 1984.

Rapp, R.H., "The Determination of High Degree Potential Coefficient Expansions from the Combination of Satellite and Terrestrial Gravity Information", OSU-Rpt. 361, 33pp, 1984.

Rayner, J.D., "Programming for Interleaved Laser Ranging", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 484, 1984.

Richards, M.A., and Hagar, B.H., "Geoid Anomalies in a Dynamic Earth", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 5987-6002, 1984.

Richardson, R.M., and Cox, B.L., "Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere: A Driving Force Study of the Nazca Plate", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 10043-10052, 1984.

Ricklefs, R.L., and Wiant, J.R., "The Computer System at MLRS", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 361, 1984.

Rubincam, D.P., "Postglacial Rebound Observed by LAGEOS and the Effective Viscosity of the Lower Mantle", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 1077-1088, 1984.

Sabadini, R., Yuen, D.A., and Boschi, E., "A Comparison of the Complete and Truncated Versions of the Polar Wander Equation", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7609-7620, 1984.

Schleuter, W., Soltau, G., Dassing, R., and Hopfl, R., "The Concept of a New Wettzell Laser Ranging System with Dual-Purpose Capability", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 313, 1984.

Schneider, M., "Observation Equations Based on Expansions into Eigenfunctions", - V.9, pp. 169-208, 1984.

Schult, F.R., and Gordon, R.G., "Root Mean Square Velocities of the Continents With Respect to the Hot Spots Since the Early Jurassic", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 1789-1800, 1984.

Schutz, B.E., Tapley, B.D., and Eanes, R.J., "Performance of Satellite Laser Ranging During Merit", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 488, 1984.

Shanklin, R.E., Lee, T., Samii, M., Mallick, M.K., and Cappellari, J.O., "Comparative Studies of Atmospheric Density Models used for Earth Satellite Orbit Estimation", J. Guidance, V. 7, pp. 235-237, 1984.

Sibbett, W., Sleat, W.E., and Krause, W., "A Picosecond Streak Camera for Spaceborne Laser Ranging", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 136, 1984.

Sj�berg, L E., "Least Squares Modification of Stokes' and Vening Meinesz", Formulas by Accounting for Truncation and Potential Coefficient Errors, - V.9, pp. 209-229, 1984.

Sj�berg, L.E., "Non-Negative Variance Component Estimation in the Gauss-Helmert Adjustment Model", - V.9, pp. 247-280, 1984.

Soler, T., "A New Matrix Development of the Potential and Attraction at Exterior Points as a Function of the Inertia Tensors", -Reprint from Celestial Mechanics, V.32, pp. 257-296, 1984.

Sovers, O.J., Thomas, J.B., Fanselow, J.L., Cohen, E.J., and 4 others, "Radio Interferometric Determination of Intercontinental Baselines and Earth Orientation Utilizing Deep Space Network Antennas: 1971 to 1980", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7597-7608, 1984.

Steggerda, C.A., "Current Developments in Event Timers at the University of Maryland", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 499, 1984.

Stephenson, F.R. and L.V. Morrison, "Long-Term Changes in the Rotation of the Earth: 700 B.C. to A.D. 1980", Philos. TranS.R. Soc. London, SeR.A., 313, 47, 1984.

Stephenson, F.R., and Morrison, L.V., "Long-Term Changes in the Rotation of the Earth: 700 B.C. to A.D. 1980", Philos. TranS.R. Soc. London, SeR.A., 313, 47, 1984.

Sunkel, H., "SPLINES Their Equivalence to Collocation", OSU-Rpt. 357, 55pp, 1984.

Sykes, L.R., and Nishenko, S.P., "Probabilities of Occurrence of Large Plate Rupturing Earthquakes for the San Andreas, San Jacinto and Imperial Faults, California, 1983-2003", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 5905-5927, 1984.

Thatcher, W., "Cyclic Deformation Related to Great Earthquakes at Plate Boundaries: Models and Observations", presentation to the International Symp. of the Pacific Region, Wellington, New Zealand, Feb., 1984, 1984.

Thatcher, W., "The Earthquake Deformation Cycle at the Nanki Trough, Southwest Japan", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 3087-3101, 1984.

Thatcher, W., "The Earthquake Deformation Cycle, Recurrence, and the Time-Predictable Model", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 5674-5680, 1984.

Thatcher, W., and Fujita, N.,"Deformation of the Mitaka Rhombus: Strain Buildup Following the 1923 Kanto Earthquake", Central Honshu, Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 3102-3106, 1984.

Thatcher, W., and Rundle, J.B., "A Viscoelastic Coupling Model for the Cyclic Deformation Due to Periodically Repeated Earthquakes at Subduction Zones", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7631-7640, 1984.

Torrence, M.H., Klosko, S.M., and Christodoulidis, D.C., "The Construction and Testing of Normal Points at Goddard Space Flight Center", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 506, 1984.

Vanicek, P., and Craymer, M., "Autocorrelation Functions in the Search for Systematic Errors in Levelling", - V.8, pp. 321-341, 1984.

Veillet, Ch., "Present Status of the CERGA LLR Operation", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 234, 1984.

Vermaat, E., "Establishing Ground Ties with MTLRS Performance and Results", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 47, 1984.

Vermaat, E., Otten, K.H., and Conrad, M., "MTLRS Software and Firmware", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 342, 1984.

Vijayaraghavan, A., and Sonnabend, D., "Electrostatic Disturbance Forces on a Three-Axis Frag Free Sensor", J. Guidance, V.7, pp. 286-294, 1984.

Vogt, P.R., Zondeck, B., Fell, P.W., Cherkis, N.Z., and Perry, R.K., "SEASAT Altimetry, the North Atlantic Geoid, and Evaluation of Shipborne Subsatellite Profiles", J. Geophys. Res. 89, pp. 9885-9904, 1984.

Wahr, J.M., "Normal Modes of the Coupled Earth and Ocean System", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7621-7630, 1984.

Walter, L.S., (ed.), "Geodynamics", - NASA Conf. Publ. 2325, 57pp, 1984.

Wardrip, C., Kushmeider, P., Buisson, J., Oaks, J., Lister, M., Dachel, P., and Stalder, T., "Use of the Global Positioning System for the NASA Transportable Laser Ranging Network", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 251, 1984.

Wertz, J.R., (ed.), "Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control", - published by D. Reidel, 858pp. , ppbk. V.73 of the Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 1984.

Wiant, J., "Tunable Etalon Usage at MLRS Mcdonald Laser Ranging Station", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 185, 1984.

Woodhouse, J.H., and Dziewonski, A.M., "Mapping the Upper Mantle: Three-Dimensional Modeling of Earth Structure by Inversion of Seismic Waveforms", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 5953-5986, 1984.

Zagwodzki, T.W., McGarry, J.F., Degnan, J.J., Abshire, J.B., Chabot, R.S., and Lessner, J.G., "An Experimental Large Aperture Satellite Laser Ranging Station At GSFC", 5th International Workshop on Laser ranging Instrumentation, Herstmonceux, U.K., published by Geodetic Institute, Univ. Bonn, p. 178, 1984.

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