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SLR Related Publications for 1997

Bianco, G., Devoti, R., Fermi, M., Ferraro, C., Lanotte, R., Luceri, V., Nardi, A., Pacione, R., Rutigliano, P., Sciarretta, C. and Vespe, F., "Comparison of Space Geodetic Data Analysis Results at the CGS", Proc. of the 12th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astronomy, Bjorn R. Pettersen (ed.), Honefoss, Norway, September 12-13, ISBN 82-90408-41-2, p. 74, 1997.

Degnan, J.J. and Klein, B.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. 2: Receiving Antennas", Laser Radar Systems, M. Kamerman (Ed.) SPIE Milestone Series, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, pp. 67-72, 1997.

Degnan, J.J. and McGarry, J.F., "SLR2000: Eyesafe and autonomous satellite laser ranging at kilohertz rates", SPIE Vol. 3218, Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques, London, UK, Sept. 24-26, pp. 63-77, 1997.

Degnan, J.J., "1997 CSTG Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging Subcommission Report", in CSTG Bulletin #13, Section II-Advanced Space Technology, Progress Report 1997, G. Beutler, H. Drewes, and H. Hornik (Eds.), pp. 47-60, 1997.

Degnan, J.J., "SLR2000: Engineering Status and Schedule", WEGENER Symposium, Maratea, Italy, June 1997.

Degnan, J.J., "Satellite Laser Ranging: Scientific and Technological Challenges for the New Millennium", SPIE Vol 3218, Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques, pp. 80-91, London, UK, Sept. 24-26, 1997.

Degnan, J.J., Zagwodzki, T.W., McGarry, J.F., and Varghese, T., "NASA Two Color Ranging Experiment to ADEOS/RIS", Proc. Second ADEOS Symposium/Workshop and the 11th RIS Science Team Meeting, Yokohama, Japan, March 10-14, p. 103-127, 1997.

Fell, P.J., "World geodetic system 1984-a summary of enhancements through the development of the new geopotential model EGM96", OCEANS '97. MTS/IEEE Conference Proc., vol 2, p 1504, 1997.

Klein, B.J., and Degnan, J.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. 1. Transmitting Antennas", Laser Radar Systems, M. Kamerman (Ed.) SPIE Milestone Series, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, pp. 59-66, 1997.

Klein, B.J., and Degnan, J.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. 3. The Effect of Secondary Element Support Struts on Antenna Gain", Laser Radar Systems, M. Kamerman (Ed.) SPIE Milestone Series, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, pp. 73-75, 1997.

Koenig, R., Bode, A., Chen, Z., and Reigber, Ch., "Surface Forces Parametrization of GFZ-1 Orbits and Gravity Field Recovery", Advances in Space Research, Vol. 19, No. 11, 1677-1680, 1997.

Malkin, Z.M., "Determination of EOP from the SLR observations at the IAA," Trans. IAA, v. 1, 113-132. (in Russian), 1997.

Malkin, Z.M., "Earth rotation parameters from Lageos-1and2 SLR observations", In: NEOS Annual Report for 1996, 22-23, 1997.

Malkin, Z.M., Petrov, L., Yu., Finkelstein, A.M., Voinov, A.V., and Skurikhina, E.A., "EOP Service of the Institute of Applied Astronomy", Trans. IAA, v. 1, 101-112. (in Russian), 1997.

Massmann, F.H., Flechtner, F., Raimondo, J.C., and Reigber, Ch., "Impact of PRARE on ERS-2 POD", Advances in Space Research, Vol. 19, No.11, 1645-1648, 1997.

Massmann, F.H., Neumayer, K.H., Raimondo, J.C., Enninghorst, K., and Li, H., "Quality of the D-PAF ERS Orbits before and after the inclusion of PRARE Data", Proc. of 3rd ERS Symposium in Florence, ESA SP-414, 1655-1660, March 1997.

Metris, G., Vokrouhlicky, D., Ries, J.C., and Eanes, R.J., "Non-gravitational Phenomena and the Lageos Eccentricity Excitations", J. Geophys. Res., 102(B2), 2711-2729, 1997.

Newhall, X.X., and Williams, J.G., "Estimation of the Lunar Physical Librations", Celestial Mech. and Dyn. Astron. 66, 21-30, 1997.

Samoilenko, A., Rudenko, S., and Schillak, S., "Local geodetic tie of the Borowiec-1 SLR station to GPS markers", Artificial Satellites, Vol. 32, No.3, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 175-184, 1997.

Schwintzer, P., "Earth Gravity Field Recovery from Satellite Orbit Perturbations", Geowissenschaften 15, 85-89, 1997.

Schwintzer, P., Reigber, Ch., Bode, A., Kang, Z., Zhu, S.Y., Massmann, F.H., Raimondo, J.C., Biancale, R., Balmino, G., Lemoine, J.M., Moynot, B., Marty, J.C., Barlier, F., and Boudon, Y. "Long-wavelength global gravity field models-GRIM4-S4, GRIM4-C4". Journal of Geodesy 71, 189-208, 1997.

Smith, D.E., Zuber, M.T., Degnan, J.J., and Abshire, J.B., "Prospects for Centimeter Laser Ranging Throughout the Inner Solar System", The Eighth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity, Jerusalem, Israel, June 22-27, 1997.

Vokrouhlicky, D., and Farinella, P., "Thermal force effects on slowly rotating, spherical artificial satellites- II Earth infrared heating", Planet. Space Sci., 45(4), 419-425, 1997.

Zagwodzki, T.W., McGarry, J.F., Degnan, J.J., and Varghese, T., "Two color SLR experiments at the GSFC 1.2 Meter Telescope", SPIE Vol. 3218, Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques, pp. TBD, London, UK, Sept. 24-26, 1997.

Zhu, S., Reigber, C., and Kang, Z., "Apropos laser tracking to GPS satellites", 71, 7, pp 423-431, Journal of Geodesy, 1997.

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