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SLR Related Publications for 1980

Arnold, DA., Dobrowolny, M., "Transmission-line model of the interaction of a long metal wire with the ionosphere".  Radio Science vol.  15, No.  6, November-December, 1980.

Campbell, D.B. and Burns, B.A., "Earth-Based Radar Imagery of Venus", J. Geophys. Res., 85, pp. 8271-8281, 1980.

Carter, W.E., Rogers, A.E.E., Counselman, C.C. and Shapiro, I..I.., "Comparison of Geodetic and Radio Interferometric Measurements of the Haystack-Westford Base Line Vector", J. Geophys. Res, Vol. 85, pp. 2685-2687, 1980.

Colquitt, E.S., Malyevac, C.W. and Anderle, R.J., "Doppler Computed SEASAT Orbits, SEASAT Ephemeris", J. Astr. Sci., Vol. 28, pp. 391-403, 1980.

Eren, K., "Spectral Analysis of GEOS-3 Altimeter Data and Frequency Domain Collocation", OSU-Rpt. 297, 151pp, 1980.

Fedorov, E.P., Smith, M.L., and Bender, P.L., (eds.), "Nutation and the Earth's Rotation", Proc. from IAU Symp. No. 78, held in Kiev, USSR, May 1977, published by D. Reidel, 1980.

Gaposchkin, E.M., "Averaging on the Surface of a Sphere", - J. Geophys. Res, V.85, pp. 3187-3193, 1980.

Giacaglia, G.E.O., "Transformations of Spherical Harmonics and Applications to Geodesy and Satellite Theory", - Studia Geophys. et Geod., V.24, pp. 1-11, 1980.

Goad, C.C., Douglas, B.C., and Agreen, R.W., "On the use of Satellite Altimeter Data for Radial Ephemeris Improvement", SEASAT Ephemeris- J. Astr. Sci., V. 28, pp. 419-428, 1980.

Jekeli, C., "Reducing the Error of Geoid Undulation Computations by Modifying Stokes' Function", OSU-Rpt. 301, 50pp, 1980.

Jekeli, C., and Rapp, R.H., "Accuracy of the Determination of Mean Anomalies and Mean Geoid Undulations from a Satellite Gravity Field Mapping Mission", Report No. 307, Department of Geodetic Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, August, 1980.

Kleusberg, A., "The Similarity Transformation of the Gravitational Potential", - the Proc. of the 4th International. Symp. on Geodesy and the Physics of the Earth, pp. 344-359, 1980.

Krynski, J., "A Solution for Determination of the Gravity Field From Satellite to Satellite Tracking Data", - From the Proc. of the 4th International Symp. on Geodesy and the Physics of the Earth, pp. 360-375. Spiralbound with Krynski's TU Graz Rpt, 1980.

Lambeck, K., "The Earth's Variable Rotation", Published by Cambridge U. Press, 449pp, 1980.

Lancaster, E.R., Estes, R.H., and Chinn, D.C., "GRAVSAT Error Analysis Results for One Degree Gravity Resolution", -copy of NASA Doc. X-932-80-2, 41pp, 1980.

Marsh, J.G., and Williamson, R.G., "Precision Orbit Analyses in Support of the SEASAT Altimeter Experiment", SEASAT Ephemeris,- J. Astr. Sci., V. 28, pp. 345-369, 1980.

Masursky, H., Eliason, E., Ford, P.G., McGill, G.E., and 3 others, "Pioneer Venus Radar Results: Geology from Images and Altimetry", J. Geophys. Res., 85, pp. 8232-8260, 1980.

Mohan, S.N., Bierman, G.J., Hamata, N.E., and Stavert, R.L., "SEASAT Orbit Refinement for Altimetry Application", SEASAT Ephemeris- J. Astr. Sci., V. 28, pp. 405-417, 1980.

Moritz, H., "Advanced Physical Geodesy", Abacus, Tunbridge Wells Kent, Kent, England, 1980.

Nakiboglu, S.M., and Lambeck, K., "Deglaciation Effects on the Rotation of the Earth", - Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc., V.62, pp. 49-58, 1980.

Pettengill, G.H., Eliason, E., Ford, P.G., Loriat, G.B., and 2 others, "Pioneer Venus Radar Results: Altimetry and Surface Properties", J. Geophys. Res. 85, pp. 8261-8270, 1980.

Reilly, W.I., "Elementary Differential Properties of the Earth's Gravity Field", - New Zealand Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Geophysics Division, Rpt. No. 162, 63pp. spiralbound with Rpt. 143, 1980.

Sans?, F., "The Minimum Mean Square Estimation Error Principle in Physical Geodesy (Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Interpretation)", -c.1: Boll. Geod Sci. Affini, V.39, pp. 111-129. c.2: in the 7th Symp. on Mathematical Geodesy, (4th Hotine Symp.), Assisi, pp. 119-138, 1980.

Schutz, B.E., Tapley, B.D., Eanes, R.J., Marsh, J.G., and 2 others, "Precision Orbit Determination Software Validation Experiment", SEASAT Ephemeris- J. Astr. Sci., V. 28, pp. 327-343, 1980.

Schutz, B.E., and Tapley, B.D., "Orbit Accuracy Assessment for SEASAT", SEASAT Ephemeris- J. Astr. Sci., V. 28, pp. 371-390, 1980.

Schwiderski, E.W., "On Charting Global Ocean Tides", -reprinted from Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., V.18, pp. 243-268, 1980.

Smith, D.E., and Dunn, P.J., "Long Term Evolution of the LAGEOS Orbit", Geophys. Res. Let., 7, pp. 437-440, 1980.

Solomon, S.C., and Head, J.W., "Lunar Mascon Basins: Lava Filling", Tectonics, and Evolution of the Lithosphere, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., V. 18, pp. 107-141, 1980.

Tapley, B.D., and Born, G.H., "The SEASAT Precision Orbit Determination Experiment", SEASAT Ephemeris- J. Astr. Sci., V.28, pp. 315-326, 1980.

VonBun, F.O., Kahn, W.D., Wells, W.T., and Conrad, T.D., "Determination of 5 x 5 Degree Gravity Anomalies Using Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Between ATS-6 and Apollo", Geophys. J.R. Astron. Soc., 61, pp. 645-658, 1980.

Wolf, P.R., "Adjustment Computations: (Practical Least Squares for Surveyors)", - 2nd ed., P.B. L. Publ., 284pp, 1980.

Wunsch, C., and Gaposchkin, E.M., "On Using Satellite Altimetry to Determine the General Circulation of the Oceans with Application to Geoid Improvement", - Rev. Geophys. and Space Phys., V.18, pp. 725-745, 1980.

Wyrtki, K., and Leslie, W.G., "The Mean Annual Variation of Sea Level in the Pacific Ocean", Tech. Rept. HIG-80-5-, 159 pp. , Inst. for Geophys., U Hawaii, Honolulu, 1980.

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