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SLR Related Publications for 1986

Alley, C.O., Bowman, S.R., Rayner, J.D., Wang, B.C., and Yang, F.M., "First Lunar Ranging Results from The University of Maryland Research Station at the 1.2M Telescope of the GSFC," Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 625, 1986.

Anderson, A.J., "Space Geodesy and Geodynamics: The New Earth Science", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 3-18, 1986.

Appleby, G. M., and Sinclair, A.T., "A Note on the use of the CSR LAGEOS Ephemerides", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 499, 1986.

Appler, R., "Calibration Error Sources", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 323, 1986.

Balmino, G., "Present Status and Future Improvements in Measuring the Gravity Field of the Earth and Planets", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 19-54, 1986.

Banni, A. and Capoccia, V., "The New Satellite Laser Ranging System at Cagliari Observatory", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 113, 1986.

Barlier, F., Carpino, M., Farinella, P., Mignard, F., Milani, A. and Nobili, A.M., "Non-Gravitational Perturbations on the Semi-Major Axis of LAGEOS", Annales Geophysicae, V.4, Series A, pp. 193-210, 1986.

Bowman, S.R., Ding, L.M. and Alley, C.O., "A Neodymium YAG Active Mirror for the Amplification of Mode Locked Laser Pulses", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 523, 1986.

Bowman, S.R., Rayner, J.R. and Alley, C.O., "Analysis and Performance of a Passive Polarization Telescope Coupling Switch For Lunar Laser Ranging", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 273, 1986.

Bowman, S.R., Shih, Y. H. and Alley, C.O., "The Use Of Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes For Precise Laser Ranging at Very Low Light Levels: an Experimental Evaluation", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 173, 1986.

Bursa, M., "A Note on Secular Variation of Gravity due to Non-Tidal Geodynamic Phenomena", Studia Geoph. et Geod., Vol. 30, pp. 31-34, 1986.

Bursa, M., "On the Non-Tidal Secular Acceleration of the Earth's Rotation", Studia Geoph. et Geod., Vol. 30, pp. 28-30, 1986.

Bursa, M., "Variations in the Moon's Mean Motion due to the Earth's Tides", Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl., Vol. 37, pp. 80-84, 1986.

Caporali, A., "Colocation Data Analysis Dynamical Approach", p. 467, 1986.

Carter, W.E. and Robertson, D.S., "Projects POLARIS and IRIS: Monitoring Polar Motion and UT1 by Very Long Baseline Interferometry", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 269-280, 1986.

Carter, W.E. and Robertson, D.S., "Studying the Earth by Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry", Sci. Amer, November 1986 issue, pp. 46-54, 1986.

Cazenave, A. and Okal, E.A., "Use of Satellite Altimetry in Studies of the Oceanic Lithosphere", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 347-376, 1986.

Cenci, A., "Management of The Laser Ranging Systems Colocation", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 409, 1986.

Chelton, D.B. and Engfield, D.B., "Ocean Signals in Tide Gauge Records, J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 9081-9098, 1986.

Cheney, R., Douglas, B., Agreen, R., Miller, L., Milbert, D. and Porter, D., "The GEOSAT altimeter mission: A milestone in satellite oceanography", EOS, 67, pp. 1354-1355, 1986.

Cheney, R.E., Douglas, B.C., McAdoo, D.C. and Sandwell, D.T., "Geodetic and Oceanographic Applications of Satellite Altimetry", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 377-406, 1986.

Christodoulidis, D.C. and D.E. Smith, Tectonic Motions in Western USA from SLR, NASA GSFC Geodynamics Branch Annual Report, 1986.

Christodoulidis, D.C., Smith, D.E., Klosko, S.M., Dunn, P.J., Robbins, J.W. and Torrence, M.H., "Contemporary Plate Motions from LAGEOS: A Decade Later", Adv. Space Res., Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 41-51, 1986.

Christodoulidis, D.C., Smith, D.E., Klosko, S.M., Torrence, M.H., Dunn, P.J. and Robbins, J.W., "A Global Plate Motion Model from Satellite Laser Ranging", presentation to the Spring AGU, 1986.

Christodoulidis, D.C., Williamson, R.G., Chinn, D. and Estes, R., "On the Prediction of Ocean Tides for Minor Constituents", Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Earth Tides, edited by R. Vieira, Conseja Superior de Investigaciones, Madrid, Spain, pp. 659-678, 1986.

Ciufolini, I., "Measurement of the Lense-Thirring Drag on High-Altitude, Laser-Ranged Artificial Satellites", Phys. Rev. Lett., 56, 4, January, pp. 278-281, 1986.

Ciufolini, I., "Measurement of the Lense-Thirring drag effect on LAGEOS and another high altitude laser ranging satellite", Phys. Rev. Lett., 56, pp. 278-281, 1986.

Ciufolini, I., "New Relativistic Measurements With Laser Ranged Satellites", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 1, 1986.

Cohen, S.C., Kahn, W.D., Degnan, J.J. and Smith, D.E., "High Precision Geodesy Using Spaceborne Laser Ranging from an Earth Observing System Platform", presented at Spring 1986 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Md., April 21-25, 1986.

Cruz, J.Y., "Ellipsoidal Corrections to Potential Coefficients Obtained from Gravity Anomaly Data on the Ellipsoid", OSU, Rpt. 371, p. 33, 1986.

Dachel, P., et al, "Recent Advances In The GLTN Timing And Frequency Instrumentation", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 205, 1986.

Degnan, J.J. and Cohen, S.C., "Spaceborne Picosecond Lidars for Geoscience and Other Remote Sensing Applications", Invited Paper, Paper THK2, presented at 1986 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Seattle, Washington, October 19-24, 1986.

Dickey, J.O., and Eubanks, T.M., "The Application of Space Geodesy to Earth Orientation", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 221-268, 1986.

Djurovic, D., "The Atmospheric Circulation, The Earth's Rotation and Solar Activity", - Earth Rotation, Unsolved Problems, ed. by A. Cazenave, D. Reidel Publ. Co, 1986.

Donati, F., Canuto, E., Fassino, B., and Belforte, P., "High Accuracy On-Ground Attitude Reconstitution for the ESA Astrometry HIPPARCOS Mission", - V.11, pp. 115-123, 1986.

Dow, J.M., and Agrotis, L.G., "Polar Motion and Earth Rotation Series from LAGEOS", Adv. Space Res., V.6, pp. 17-21, 1986.

Duffy, D.G., "Solutions of Partial Differential Equations", - Tab Books, 542pp, 1986.

Ebel, J.E., Somerville, P.G., and McIver, J.D., "A Study of the Source Parameters of Some Large Earthquakes of Northeastern North America", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 8231-8248, 1986.

Eckhardt, D.H., "Isomorphic Geodetic and Electrical Networks: An Application to the Analysis of Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Survey Data", Geophys., V.51, pp. 2145-2155, 1986.

Emery, K.O., and Aubrey, D.G., "Relative Sea Level Change From Tide Gauge Records of Western North America", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 13941-13953, 1986.

Eren, K., "GPS Geodetic Network Adjustment Using Triple Difference Observations and A Priori Information", - V.11, pp. 289-293, 1986.

Ervin, C.P., and McGinnis, L.D., "Temporal Variations in the Gravitational Field of the Mississippi Embayment", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 9161-9168, 1986.

Estes, R.H., and Majer, V., "SOLVE Program Mathematical Description", BTS Contractor Report prepared under NAS 5-27656, Greenbelt, Maryland, March, 1986.

Estes, R.H., and V. Majer, "SOLVE", BTS Contractor Rpt under NAS 5-27656, 1986.

Eubanks, T.M., Morabito, D.D., and Steppe, J.A., "Earth Orientation Results from DSN VLBI at JPL", JPL preprint no. 146, 1986.

Eubanks, T.M., Steppe, J.A., and Dickey, J.O., "The El Nino, the Southern Oscillation and the Earth's Rotation", JPL Preprint No.143, 1986.

Feng, H., Xiong, Y., Zhang, Y., and Wang, J., "An Accurate Test of the Azimuth Axis of a 1.2M Alt-AZ Telescope Mount for the Lunar Laser Ranging and the Analysis of the Results", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 281, 1986.

Gaignebet, J., Baumont, F., Hatat, J.L., Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., and Prochazka, I., "Two Wavelength Ranging on Ground Target Using Nd:YAG 2HG and Raman 0.68 Micron Pulses", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 565, 1986.

Grafarend, E.W., "Differential Geometry of the Gravity Field", - V.11, pp. 29-27, 1986.

Greene, B.A., "Calibration Of Sub-Millimeter Precision Satellite Laser Ranging Systems", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 331, 1986.

Greene, B.A., "Calibration Of Sub-Picoseconds Timing Systems", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 197, 1986.

Greene, B.A., and Herring, T., "Multiple Wavelength Laser Ranging", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 581, 1986.

Grunwaldt, L., Fischer, H., and Neubert, R., "The SBG Laser Radar Stations Potsdam and Santiago de Cuba, Status And Performance Report", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 93, 1986.

Guerin, F., and Cerutti-Maori, G., "Problems Induced by Multicolor Telemetry on Laser Retrorefiector Development", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 593, 1986.

Gwinn, C.R., Herring, T.A., and Shapiro, I.I., "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Studies of the Forced Nutations of the Earth part 2, Interpretation", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 4755-4766, 1986.

Hall, S.A., Casey, J.F., and Elthon, D.L., "A Possible Explanation of Gravity Anomalies Over Mid-Ocean Ridges", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 3724-3728, 1986.

Hamal, K., Cech, M., and Jelinkova, H., "Interkosmos Laser Radar, Version Mode Locked Train", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 69, 1986.

Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Prochazka, I., and Sopko, B., "Single Photon Solid State Detector for Ranging at Room Temperature", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 185, 1986.

Hamal, K., and Jelinkova, H., "Saturable Dye For 1.06 microns", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 243, 1986.

Hamal, K., and Prochazka, I., "3rd Generation Laser Radar, Version Mode Locked Train Proposal", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 109, 1986.

Hamal, K., and Prochazka, I., "System Stability Using Mode Locked Train", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 377, 1986.

Haxby, W.F., and Weissel, J.K., "Evidence for Small-Scale Mantle Convection From SEASAT Altimeter Data", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 3507-3520, 1986.

Hein, G.W., "Integrated Geodesy-State-of-the-Art : Reference Text", 1986 - pp. 505-548, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. S?nkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Herring, T.A., "Precision of Vertical Position Estimates from Very Long Baseline Interferometry", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 9177-9182, 1986.

Herring, T.A., Gwinn, C.R., and Shapiro, I.I., "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Studies of the Forced Nutations of the Earth, 1, Data Analysis", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 4745-4754, 1986.

Herring, T.A., Shapiro, I.I., Clark, T.A., Ma, C., and 14 others, "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Evidence for Contemporary Plate Motion", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 8341-8347, 1986.

Hofmann-Wellenhof, B and Moritz, H., "Introduction to Spectral Analysis", pp. 157-260, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. S?nkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Humphreys, E., and Weldon, R., "Kinematic Constraints on the Rifting of Baja California", -Pre-print of a paper submitted to the AAPG Memoir on the Gulf of California, 1986.

Husson, V., and Edge, D., "Polyquick Collocation Analysis", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 453, 1986.

Jelinkova, H., Valach, P., and del Pino, J., "Spatial Structure of the Doubled Nd:YAG Laser Transmitter Beam", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 251, 1986.

Jiyu, L., "Satellite Laser Ranging Errors", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 379, 1986.

Jiyu, L., "Some Special Requirements to Lasers for Satellite Laser Ranging", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 261, 1986.

Junginger, H., and Beek, W., "MTLRS Ground Tests", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 357, 1986.

Keating, T., Taylor, P., Kahn, W., and Lerch, F.J., "Geopotential Research Mission Science", Engineering and Program Summary, - NASA TM-86240, 208pp, 1986.

Kelecy, T.M., "Use of the Geopotential Error Covariance Matrix for Improving the Estimate of the Mean Sea Surface from Satellite Altimetry", - Thesis, Univ. of Colorado, 88pp, spiralbound, 1986.

Kielek, W.A., " 'Constant Fraction' Discriminators in Few and Multiphotoelectron Laser Ranging", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 89, 1986.

Kirchner, G., and Koidl, F., "Eurolas Cluster Stations Bias Workshop Results", Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Shanghai Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, November 11-15, p. 269, 1986.

Kleusberg, A., "Ionospheric Propagation Effects in Geodetic Relative GPS Positioning", - V.11, pp. 256-261, 1986.

Kloeckler, P., and Schildknecht, Th., "Measuring and Modelling Pulse Discriminator Amplitude Dependence", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 343, 1986.

Kloeckler, P., and Schildknecht, Th., "Zimmerwald Satellite Observation Station", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 123, 1986.

Kolenkiewicz, R., Husson, V., Martin, Ch., Poulose, S., Abresch, M., and Doyle, K., "GEODYN Collocation Analysis and its Comparison with Polyquick", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 481, 1986.

Kolenkiewiez, R., Dunn, P.J., Eanes, R.J., and Johnson, R., "Comparison Of Lageos Satellite Ranging Normal Points", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 11, 1986.

Korakitis, R., "Effects of Telescope Design on Laser Beam Pointing Accuracy", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 297, 1986.

Kroger, P.M., Davidson, J.M., and Gardner, E.C., "Mobile Very Long Baseline Interferometry and Global Positioning System Measurement of Vertical Crustal Motion", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 9169-9176, 1986.

Krumm, F., Grafarend, E.W., and Schaffrin, B., "Continuous Networks", Fourier Analysis and Criterion Matrices, - V.11, pp. 57-78, 1986.

Lerch, F.J., Klosko, S.M., and Wagner, C.A., "Comments on Lambeck and Coleman: "The Earth's Shape and Gravity Field", A Report of Progress from 1958 to 1982", Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc., Vol 86, pp. 651-664, 1986.

Lerch, F.J., Klosko, S.M., and Wagner, C.A., "Comments on Lambeck and Coleman: 'The Earth's Shape and Gravity Field: A Report of Progress from 1958 to 1982'", Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc., V.86, pp. 651-664, 1986.

Marsh, J.G., A.C. Brenner, B.D. Beckley, T.V. Martin, "Global Mean Sea Surface Based Upon the Seasat Altimeter Data", J. Geophys. Res., 91, C3, 3501-3506, 1986.

Marsh, J.G., Christodoulidis, D., Felstreger, T., Lerch, F., Putney, B., Sanchez, B., Smith, D., Chandler, N., Colombo, O., Klosko, S., Martin, T., Pavlis, E., Robbins, J., Williamson, R., Patel, G., Bhati, S., and 2 others, "The Improved Earth Gravity Model: A Status Report", presentation to the Spring 1986 AGU Meeting, Baltimore, 1986.

Mazzega, P., "How Radial Orbit Errors are Mapped in Altimetric Surfaces", J. Geophys. Res, V.91, pp. 6609-6628, 1986.

McGarry, J.L.F., Zagwodzki, T.W., and Degnan, J.J., "Large Aperture High Accuracy Satellite Laser Ranging", presented at Southeast Conference on Electro-optics, Orlando, Florida, March 30-April 2, 1986.

Meertens, C.M., and Wahr, J.M., "Topographic Effect on Tilt, Strain, and Displacement Measurements", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 14057-14062, 1986.

Moore, P., "Laser Station Coordinates and Baselines from Long-Arc and Short-Arc Analyses of Starlette", Bull. Geod., V.60, pp. 297-310, 1986.

Morabito, D.D., Eubanks, T.M., and Steppe, J.A., "Kalman Filtering of Earth Orientation Changes", -JPL Preprint No.154, 1986.

Naar, D.F., and Hey, R.N., "Fast Rift Propagation Along the East Pacific Rise Near Easter Island", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 3425-3438, 1986.

Neubert, R., Ritschel, B., and Grunwaldt, L., "Ambiguity and Resolution of a Mode-Locked Pulse Train Laser Radar", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, 1986.

Neumann, Z., "Detectors For III Generation Laser Ranging Systems", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 165, 1986.

Newhall, X.X., Williams, J.G., and Dickey, J.O., "Earth Rotation (UT0R) from Lunar Laser Ranging", JPL Pre-print No.145, for submission to the BIH Annual Report, 1986.

Newhall, X.X., Williams, J.G., and Dickey, J.O., "Earth Rotation from Lunar Laser Ranging", JPL Pre-print No.153, 1986.

Nicholson, C., Seeber, L., Williams, P., and Sykes, L.R., "Seismicity and Fault Kinematics Through the Eastern Transverse Ranges, California: Block Rotation, Strike Slip Faulting, and Low Angle Thrusts", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 4891-4908, 1986.

Niebauer, T.M., Hoskins, J.K., and Faller, J.E., "Absolute Gravity: A Reconnaissance Tool for Studying Vertical Crustal Motions", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 9145-9149, 1986.

Pearlman, M.R., "Some Current Issues on Laser Collocations", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 399, 1986.

Peltier, W.R., "Slow Changes in the Earth's Shape and Gravitational Field: Constraints on the Glaciation History and Internal Visco-elastic Statification", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 75-112, 1986.

Pierron, F., et al., "Upgrades And New Developments On Satellite Laser Ranging Station From Grasse", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 73, 1986.

Pisacane, V.L., "Satellite Techniques for Determining the Geopotential of Sea Surface Elevations", - J. Geophys. Res, V.91, pp. 2365-2371, 1986.

Prochaska, I., and Hamal, K., "Picosecond Laser Ranging Using Photodiode", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 577, 1986.

Prochaska, I., and Hamal, K., "Streak Camera Based Laser Radar Receiver: Its Performance and Limitations", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 559, 1986.

Prochazka, I., "Start Detector For The Mode Locked Train Laser Radar", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 145, 1986.

Prochazka, I., Hamal, K., and Gaignebet, J., "Microchannel/Dynode Photomultipliers Comparison Experiment", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 161, 1986.

Rapp, R.H., "Global Geopotential Solutions", - pp. 365-416, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. S?nkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Rapp, R.H., "Gravity Anomalies and Sea Surface Heights Derived from a Combined GEOS-3/SEASAT Altimeter Data Set", J. Geophys. Res., 91, E5, pp. 4867-4876, 1986.

Rapp, R.H., "Gravity Anomalies and Sea Surface Heights Derived from a Combined GEOS?3/SEASAT Altimeter Data Set", J. Geophys. Res. 91, E5, 4867?4876, a, 1986.

Rapp, R.H., "The Gravity Field of the Earth and Prospects for Improvement of its Determination", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 55-74, 1986.

Rapp, R.H., and Cruz, J.Y., "Spherical Harmonic Expansion of the Earth's Gravitational Potential to Degree 360 Using 30' Mean Anomalies", The Ohio State University Department of Geodetic Science Report No. 376, Columbus, OH, 1986.

Rapp, R.H., and Cruz, J.Y., "The Representation of the Earth's Gravitational Potential in a Spherical Harmonic Expansion to Degree and Order 250", OSU-Rpt. 372, 64pp, spiralbound, 1986.

Rayner, J.D., Bowman, S.R., Alley, C.O., and Yang, F.M., "Zero Range Realtime Calibration", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 373, 1986.

Reilinger, R., and Larsen, S., "Vertical Crustal Deformation Associated with the 1979 M=6.6 Imperial Valley, California Earthquake: Implications for Fault Behavior", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 14044-14056, 1986.

Rosborough, G.W., "Satellite Orbit Perturbations Due to the Geopotential", University of Texas, Center for Space Research Report CSR-86-1, January, 1986.

Rummel, R., "Satellite Gradiometry", - pp. 317-364, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. S?nkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Ryan, J.W., Clark, T.A., Coates, R.J., Ma, C., and 14 others, "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Determination of Baseline Vector, Earth Rotation, and Solid Earth Tide Parameters with the Mark I VLBI System", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 1935-1946, 1986.

Sans?, F., "Statistical Methods in Physical Geodesy", - pp. 49-156, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. S?nkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Sasaki, M., "Japanese Geodetic Satellite 'AJISAI' Launched in August 1986", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 527, 1986.

Sasaki, N., and Suzaki, Y., "Satellite Laser Ranging System at the Simosato Hydrographic Observatory and the Transportable System", HTLRS, Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 45, 1986.

Schaffrin, B., and Grafarend, E.W., "Generating Classes of Equivalent Linear Models by Nuisance Parameter Elimination", Applications to GPS Observations, - V.11, pp. 262-271, 1986.

Schwarz, K.P., "The Error Model of Inertial Geodesy: A Study in Dynamic System Analysis", - pp. 463-504, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. S?nkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Sheffels, B., and McNutt, M., "Role of Subsurface Loads and Regional Compensation in the Isostatic Balance of the Transverse Ranges, California: Evidence for Intracontinental Subduction", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 6419-6431, 1986.

Shelus, P.J., "A Simple Software Scheduling Tool for Efficient Observing Operations At a Lunar /LAGEOS Laser Ranging Station", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 511, 1986.

Shelus, P.J., and Ricklefs, R.L., "Real Time, On Site Earth Orientation Parameter Generation at the MLRS Using Laser Ranging Data", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 493, 1986.

Snay, R.A., "Horizontal Deformation in New York and Connecticut: Examining Contradictory Results from the Geodetic Evidence", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 12695-12702, 1986.

Steggerda, C.A., "The Development of a Dual Frequency Event Timer", Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Antibes, France, September 22-26, p. 225, 1986.

Stein, R.S., Whalen, C.T., Holdahl, S.R., Strange, W.E., and 1 other, "Saugus-Palmdale, California, Field Test for Refraction Error in Historical Leveling Surveys", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 9031-9044, 1986.

Stein, S., and Okal, E.A., "Seismological Studies of the Deformation of Oceanic Lithosphere", Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, pp. 407-450, 1986.

Stuart, W.D., "Forecast Model for Large and Great Earthquakes in Southern California", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 13771-13786, 1986.

Sunkel, H. (editor), "Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy", Volume 7 in the Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences Series by Springer, presented at the 4th International Summer School held in Admont, Austria, Aug. 25 to Sept. 5, 1986, 1986.

Sunkel, H., "Global Topographic-Isostatic Models", - pp. 417-462, in Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy, ed by. H. Sunkel, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

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