Alert: Planned Site Outage Sat. Jan. 10th, 10pm-Midnight PST
my care2
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people signing now

32,223,284 petition signatures

success stories

629,488 petitions created
51,275 signatures!
Nadia Donato, Care2 Member
Care2 members mobilized to stop atrocious acts of animal cruelty in Puerto Rico.
19,365 signatures!
nonprofit partner, NARAL
After a 3 year battle, the FDA voted to make Plan B available to adult women without perscriptions.
692 signatures!
Molly Prochazka, Care2 Member
Care2 members helped the James Island Fire Department in South Carolina win their budget struggle.
14,254 signatures!
Concerned Care2 Members
Members succeeded when urging the military to punish US Marines for throwing a puppy off a cliff.
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