HISTOPLASMOSIS: Protecting Workers at Risk

Note: This document is superseded by NIOSH Publication 2005-109: Histoplasmosis—Protecting Workers at Risk.

NO. 97-146 SEPTEMBER 1997

Table of Contents

What is histoplasmosis?

How is histoplasmosis diagnosed?

Where are H. capsulatum spores found?

Who can get histoplasmosis and what jobs and activities put people at risk for exposure to H. capsulatum spores?

Should workers who might be exposed to H. capsulatum have pre-exposure skin or blood tests?

What can be done to reduce exposures to H. capsulatum?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of respirators for protecting workers against exposure to H. capsulatum?
What personal protective equipment other than respirators should workers wear?

What other infectious agents are health risks for workers who disturb accumulations of bat droppings or bird manure?

Where can I get more information about infectious diseases and answers to questions about worker health and safety?


Histoplasmosis Fact Sheet (English)

Histoplasmosis Fact Sheet (Spanish)

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