HISTOPLASMOSIS: Protecting Workers at Risk

Note: This document is superceded by NIOSH Publication 2005-109: Histplasmosis—Protecting Workers at Risk.

NO. 97-146 SEPTEMBER 1997


  Most reported outbreaks of the disease histoplasmosis share the same scenario: Individuals who caused or were near disturbances of dusty material contaminated with Histoplasma capsulatum, inhaled spores of this fungus, and became ill did not know the health risks associated with their activities. Consequently, because of a lack of knowledge about histoplasmosis, employers and their employees were inadequately or not at all prepared to take effective preventive action. This booklet will help readers understand what histoplasmosis is, recognize activities with risks for exposure to H. capsulatum, and learn ways to protect themselves and others from exposure.

This booklet should be read by safety and health professionals, environmental consultants, supervisors, and anyone else with direct or indirect responsibility for the health and safety of workers who might be involved in activities where contaminated material might be disturbed. Examples include disturbance of soil at an active or inactive bird roost or poultry house, excavation in regions where H. capsulatum is endemic, or removal of an accumulation of bat or bird manure from a building.

Local, state, and national public health professionals may also find this booklet useful for understanding the health risks of H. capsulatum exposure so that they can provide guidance about work practices and personal protective equipment. The appendix consists of two 2-page fact sheets about histoplasmosis, one in English and one in Spanish. The fact sheets are intended for distribution by employers, health agencies, unions, or cooperatives to workers and the public to help educate them about histoplasmosis.

Linda Rosenstock, M.D., M.P.H.
Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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