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Topic: Home > President Bush

President Bush, Prime Minister Koizumi Hold Press Conference
President Bush Monday said, "Japan is a generous host to America's forward-deployed forces, providing an essential .. - 40.6KB
18 Feb 02
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President Bush Announces Drug Control Strategy
President Bush Tuesday unveiled his new National Drug Control Strategy, which sets clear and specific national goals for .. - 33.5KB
12 Feb 02
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President Bush Outlines Health Care Agenda
In a speech at the Medical College of Wisconsin, President Bush outlined a comprehensive health care agenda that improves .. - 31.2KB
11 Feb 02
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President Bush, Prime Minister Sharon Discuss Middle East
After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, President Bush said, "We just had an extensive discussion, first about our .. - 17.4KB
08 Feb 02
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President Bush Opens 2002 Olympic Games
At the Olympic Stadium in Salt Lake City, President Bush said, "On behalf of a proud, determined, and grateful nation, I declare .. - 18.5KB
08 Feb 02
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President Bush to Olympic Athletes: "Let's Roll"
At the Winter Olympics Friday President Bush said, "I can't wait for Americans to see our flag fly. It is such a proud moment for ... - 20.7KB
08 Feb 02
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President Bush, Sen Lieberman Discuss Armies of Compassion
President Bush Thursday said, "This legislation will not only provide a way for government to encourage faith-based .. - 11.1KB
07 Feb 02
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President Bush Speaks at Fernbank Museum in Atlanta, Georgia
THE PRESIDENT: See, this is not a -- the budget I submitted wasn't a Republican budget, it wasn't a Democrat budget; it was .. - 17.7KB
05 Feb 02
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President Bush Calls for Action on the Economy and Energy
Economy Budget and Taxes - 36.4KB
02 Feb 02
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President Bush and Former President Bush Speak to the Press
I'm going to get what I want for my birthday: spend time with my family, a couple of good phone calls from some .. - 8.8KB
31 Jan 02
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