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Topic: Home > President Bush

President Bush Signs the President Proclamation Designating the World War II Valor in the ..
President Bush on Friday said, "The purpose of the monument is to remind generations of Americans of the .. - 7.0KB
05 Dec 08
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President and Mrs. Bush Attend 2008 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree Ceremony
President Bush on Thursday said, "Today we celebrate the 85th anniversary of the National Christmas Tree .. - 9.4KB
04 Dec 08
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President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Mentoring Children of Prisoners Initiative
President Bush on Tuesday said, "I am thankful that you all have come to talk to me about a very important .. - 8.2KB
02 Dec 08
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President and Mrs. Bush Participate in Saddleback Civil Forum on Global Health
President Bush on Monday said, "We're a better nation when we save lives. And I wish the American people could see .. - 46.8KB
01 Dec 08
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President Bush Discusses Attacks in Mumbai, Condemns Violence, Sends Condolences to Victims
President Bush on Saturday said, "On behalf of all Americans, Laura and I extend our condolences to those .. - 6.8KB
29 Nov 08
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President Bush Pardons "Pumpkin and Pecan" in National Thanksgiving Turkey Ceremony
President Bush on Wednesday said, "This is my final Thanksgiving as the President. Over the past eight years, I have .. - 9.3KB
26 Nov 08
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President Bush Visits Fort Campbell, Discusses Iraq and Afghanistan
President Bush on Tuesday said, "So Laura and I wish you and your families a safe and happy Thanksgiving. We join you ... - 19.3KB
25 Nov 08
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President Bush Meets with Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson
President Bush on Monday said, "The Secretary and I share the concerns of our citizens, concerns about jobs, concerns .. - 6.8KB
24 Nov 08
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Harper of Canada at APEC
President Bush on Saturday said, "It's been a joy to work with you. And we've accomplished a lot together, relations .. - 6.4KB
22 Nov 08
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President Bush Meets with President Medvedev of Russia at APEC
President Bush on Saturday said, "It's an interesting moment because I've had a lot of meetings with Dmitriy and Vladimir ... - 5.7KB
22 Nov 08
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