NASA SBIR/STTR Firms Library

Phase 2 Proposal

Deliverable Type
Firm Information
Provides firm with pin numbers for e-signatures
SBIR Cover (Form A)
Describes proposal at a high-level
STTR Cover (Form A)
Describes proposal at a high-level
SBIR Summary (Form B)
Describes technology at a high-level
STTR Summary (Form B)
Describes technology at a high-level
SBIR/STTR Budget (Form C)
Describes budget at the project-level
SBIR Technical Proposal
Describes proposed project at a more detailed level
STTR Technical Proposal
Describes proposed project at a more detailed level
STTR Cooperative Agreement
Provides SBC and RI signed agreeement
Updated Briefing/Marketing Chart
Provides technical briefing and marketing vehicle for project

*Note: Forms and templates provide uniformity throughout all phases of the SBIR/STTR Programs.
As a result, innovation understanding, communication, and marketing are greatly facilitated.