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My Mother Is Quite Ill, and I Have to Fly to Miami Today

M9/15 English Lesson - Download (MP3) audio clip
M9/15 English Lesson - Listen to (MP3) audio clip

One airline CEO says,
Functioning In Business, FIB 9F-7

FIB Jingle


FIB           9F-7


Saly:        ;ymp5;u3vgv0=lgou[qfIPorklkva’dyf Functioning  In Business.


FIB         Opening


Saly:        mjkooadlbdlkma’s^kp ,NoUgIqk9tgiju,8Qofh;p[qflqomtokxt9e;aoD

Business Dialog:      Asking a Favor


Larry:      Business Dialog


Saly:        [qflqomtokxt9e;aoD


                .o[qflqomtokxt9e;ao0v’gIqK,NoU mjko9twfhpyo;jk ok’  Palmer  3mwx0=

                 7;k,-jvpgs^nv9kdmjko  Bill Martin  grjnv0=.shgrjyor=hada[ Bob Myers

                   9kd[=iylaf Dover cmo.





·                           a favor  0Pofh;p38  f a v o r,   f a v o r a,  favor  .omjuoUgIqk-ycx,ao;jk

·                           7;k,-jvpgs^nv grktltoAo  to ask a favor  9jb’cx;jk 0=7;k,-jvpgs^nvD


Sorry to call you at home. cx;jk0=3mfmju8hv’wfh3m,kg9Qk1j6gInvoD


I’d like to apologize for this inconvenience.       cx;jk0hvp0=3mfmju8hv’wfh]q[d;og9QkD  


Eliz:      Let’s listen to today’s Business Dialog.


                  Ms. Palmer calls Bill Martin to ask a favor.


SFX:      Telephone call   


Martin:      Hello.


Palmer:      Hello, Bill.  Sorry to call you at home.


Martin:      No problem.  What can I do for you?


Palmer:      I’m afraid I’ve got a problem.?



                  My mother is quite ill, and I have to fly to Miami today.


                  I hate to ask, but would you mind meeting    Bob Myers of Dover, Ltd. tomorrow?


Martin:      I’m sorry to hear about your mother.


                  I’d be happy to help out.


                  What time do you expect Mr. Myers to arrive?


Palmer:      He’ll be there at ten thirty.


Martin:      Okay, I’ll meet him then.


Palmer:      Thanks!


                  Again, I’d like to apologize for this inconvenience.


Martin:      Don’t worry about it.


                  I’ll take care of everything here.


                  And I certainly hope your mother is feeling better.


Palmer:      Thank you.


                  I hope I can be back by Wednesday, but I’m just not sure right now.


Martin:      Sure, I understand.


Palmer:      Thanks again.  I appreciate it.


                  I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon around four o’clock.


Martin:      Fine.  I’ll talk with you then.





Saly:         7e;jk inconvenience cx;jk7;k,[=jltf;dD c]t7e;jk convenience cx;jk7;k,ltf;dD




Palmer:     I’d like to apologize for this inconvenience.


 Saly:        le]a[x3pdoUgIqk-ycx,aoc[[‘jkpM;jkG 0hvp1kd0=3mf mju]q[d;og9Qk



                 .o[qflqomtok[qfoUgIqkIh6;jk ok’ Palmer  ,u7;k,9egxao8hv’wfh3mskmjko

                 Bill Martin 1j6gInvo  ]k;9jb’8hv’wfh0=3mf4hkmjko Martin gsao;jkgxaodko[=j g\ktlq,D


Palmer:      Hello, Bill.  Sorry to call you at home.


Martin:      No problem.  What can I do for you?


Saly:        sa^’9kdok’ Palmer  0=3mfc]h; mjko Martin  d=8v[;jk [=j,u[aoskoskfvdD g9Qk,usPa’1kd.sh0hvp-jvp=jL


Focus on Functions:            Asking a favor 


Larry:      Focus on Functions:      Asking a favor


Saly:        dkograj’g]’.lj|hkmju0v’rklkD dko0=7;k,-jvpgs^nvD


Larry:       Listen and Repeat.


Saly:        [afoUg-uosafvvdlP’D vaofa[8=jwx g-uortpkpk,g;Qk8k,sa^’.sh7n ElizD



Eliz:      What can I do for you?


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:          I’m afraid I’ve got a problem.


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:          I hate to ask, but...


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:      Would you mind meeting Bob Myers?


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:          I’d be happy to help out.


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:          I’d like to apologize for this inconvenience.


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:      Don’t worry about it.


(pause for repeat)




Saly:          ,kIvf|Ug;]k0v’gIqkd=\qf]q’r=fumjkoD r=hdao.\j.ovkmyf|hkD


FIB          Closing


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