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World Bank Chief Urges Action on Food Prices

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World Bank President Robert Zoellick, 13 Apr 2008
World Bank President Robert Zoellick, 13 Apr 2008

GLOBAL ECONOMY: The president of the World Bank has urged immediate action to deal with rising food prices that have caused hunger and violence in several countries. Robert Zoellick appealed Sunday for the international community to carry out its commitments to help hungry people. Zoellick spoke at a meeting of world lenders in Washington. Zoellick said the food situation is not only a matter of short term need, but one that could also affect future generations

A man walks past burning barricade during an anti-government demonstration in Port-au-Prince, 07 April 2008
A man walks past burning barricade during an anti-government demonstration in Port-au-Prince, 07 April 2008
The United Nations Stabilization Force in Haiti has condemned the shooting death of a U.N. peacekeeper in Port-au-Prince amid violent demonstrations against high food prices. The U.N. said in a statement that it would pursue those behind the killing with what it called the greatest determination. The Nigerian peacekeeper was killed Saturday near the cathedral in the capital city. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets last week to protest high prices. Protesters clashed with U.N. peacekeepers as they tried to storm the National Palace in the capital.

The Dalai Lama in Seattle, 13 Apr 2008
The Dalai Lama in Seattle, 13 Apr 2008
The Dalai Lama says his representatives are conducting talks with Chinese officials through private channels. The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader told a news conference Sunday in the (northwestern) U.S. state of Washington that he had no direct involvement in the conversations. The Dalai Lama did not say what issues are being discussed with China, and he said it is not clear what might result from the talks.

Tanzanians walk through a flooded street as they try to follow the procession of the Olympic torch through Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 13 Apr 2008
Tanzanians walk through a flooded street as they try to follow the procession of the Olympic torch through Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 13 Apr 2008
The Olympic torch arrived in Oman today (Monday) where it is expected to have a protest-free visit - the torch's sole Middle East stop on its way to Beijing. At a low-key ceremony in the capital, Muscat, the sports minister (Ali bin Massoud bin Ali al-Sunaidi) and representatives of the Chinese diplomatic mission greeted the torch upon its arrival from Tanzania. Last week, the torch relay drew large and chaotic protests in London, Paris and San Francisco. Recent stops in Buenos Aires and Tanzania passed without major incident.

Burnt police vehicle with a motorbike is seen after Taliban militants attacked a police checkpoint in Kandahar province, 14 Apr 2008
Burnt police vehicle with a motorbike is seen after Taliban militants attacked a police checkpoint in Kandahar province, 14 Apr 2008
Afghan officials say Taliban militants have attacked a police post in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, killing at least 11 policemen. The local deputy provincial police chief (- Amanullah Khan -) says the militants opened fire on the post in the Arghandab district of Kandahar province early Monday morning. The police chief said preliminary reports indicate that one of the policemen had links with the Taliban.


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