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Western Colorado Area Office - Water Operations: Fruitgrowers Reservoir, Colorado

Live Capacity = 4428 acre-feet at 5485 feet Elevation

Pool Elevation: 5483.01 Feet
Reservoir Storage: 3647 Acre-Feet
Reservoir Inflow: Not Available
Reservoir Outflow: Not Available
Reservoir Live Storage Pool: 82.3 % Full
  Not Available
Alfalfa Run (below Fruitgrowers) Flow : Not Available

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Fruitgrowers Project: Fruitgrowers Reservoir, Colorado

Colorado River Storage Projects provide for the comprehensive development of the Upper Colorado River Basin. The project furnishes the long-time regulatory storage needed to permit States in the upper basin to meet their flow obligation... Tell me more

Additional Data

Note: The information on this page is updated Monday-Friday, 10:40 a.m. & Noon Mountain Time


  • All Data are Provisional and Subject to Review and Modification.
  • AF = Acre-Feet
  • CFS = Cubic Feet/Second
  • FT = Feet Above Mean Sea Level
  • NA = Data Unavailable

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