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Topic: Home > Policies

A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Innovative and Alternative Routes to Licensure
Purpose of the Program The Troops to Teachers program seeks to ensure that individuals who desire to enter the teaching profession .. - 10.2KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Expanded Loan Forgiveness For Teachers
Highlights Highly qualified teachers are eligible for this program, if they teach math, science or special education in qualified low- ... - 3.9KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Teacher Quality in High Poverty Schools
State assessment. School districts develop plans that describe how they will coordinate Federal funds to provide professional .. - 5.8KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Background
Studies in both Tennessee and Texas found that students who had effective teachers greatly outperformed those who had ineffective teachers. For example, ... - 7.7KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Teacher Liability Protection
Teacher Protection Act ensures that teachers, principals, and other school professionals can undertake reasonable actions to maintain order .. - 4.7KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Teacher Tax Deduction
Federal tax returns, thereby recovering a portion of their personal expenses. - 3.7KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Enhancing Education Through Technology
Enhancing Education Through Technology 18 Purpose of the Program The primary goal of this program is to improve student academic achievement ... - 5.1KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Executive Summary
Executive Summary The Bush Administration Agenda for a Quality Teacher in Every Classroom Background Every child in America deserves a quality .. - 9.2KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: The "What Works" Clearinghouse
Clearinghouse 6 Purpose of the Initiative The purpose of the Clearinghouse, a new initiative at the Department of Education, is to provide .. - 4.2KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Early Reading First
Early Reading First Effective, Research-based Instruction for Pre-School Children 12 Purpose of the Program Early Reading First is designed to .. - 7.9KB
11 Oct 05
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