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Transforming the Federal Role in Education
The President's views of transforming the federal role in education. Offers information on the President's vision for bipartisan education reform--the cornerstone of the .. - 31.2KB
15 Jan 09
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White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page United States Department of Education White House Summit ... transcript.html - 78.4KB
06 May 08
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White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page United States Department of Education White House Summit on .. education/whschoolsummit/trans5.html - 57.3KB

White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page United States Department of Education White House Summit on .. education/whschoolsummit/trans4.html - 42.6KB

White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page United States Department of Education White House Summit on .. education/whschoolsummit/trans3.html - 42.7KB
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Panel on School Safety III edupanel3.wm.v.html - 1.4KB
11 Oct 06
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Panel on School Safety I education/schoolsafety/ edupanel1.wm.v.html - 1.4KB

Panel on School Safety II education/schoolsafety/ edupanel2.wm.v.html - 1.4KB

Panel on School Safety IV education/schoolsafety/ edupanel4.wm.v.html - 1.4KB
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2003 Virginia Teacher of the Year
Douglas C. Armstrong 2003 Virginia Teacher of the Year Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Return to Map - 1.4KB
15 Jul 06
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2003 Department of Defense Education Activity Teacher of the Year
Deborah Hadley 2003 Do DEA Teacher of the Year Clarksvile, TN 37043 Return to Map education/teacherpopup/dod.html - 1.4KB

2003 Delaware Teacher of the Year
Sharon Crossen 2003 Delaware Teacher of the Year Dover, DE 19904 Return to Map education/teacherpopup/de.html - 1.4KB

2003 New Jersey Teacher of the Year
Elspeth Corrigan Moore 2003 New Jersey Teacher of the Year Stockholm, NJ 07460 Return to Map education/teacherpopup/nj.html - 1.4KB
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Footnotes
Title II, Part C, Subpart 1 Corporation for National and Community Service-Fiscal Year 2003 Budget Estimate and Performance Plan, p. Fiscal Year 2003 .. - 4.6KB
11 Oct 05
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A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Teaching Traditional American History
American history through intensive, ongoing professional development. No Child Left Behind Act reauthorizes this program, which will help .. education/teachers/sect2-7.html - 4.4KB

A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Innovative and Alternative Routes to Licensure
Purpose of the Program The Troops to Teachers program seeks to ensure that individuals who desire to enter the teaching profession .. education/teachers/sect1-2.html - 10.2KB

A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Expanded Loan Forgiveness For Teachers
Highlights Highly qualified teachers are eligible for this program, if they teach math, science or special education in qualified low- ... education/teachers/sect1-7.html - 3.9KB
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Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay President Bush is greeted with an enthusiastic .. - 9.3KB
11 Oct 05
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Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay Meeting with students and talking about his .. education/photoessay/05.html - 9.0KB

Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay Laura Bush answers questions from a little boy ... education/photoessay/04.html - 8.5KB

Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus > Education Email This Page Reaching for Excellence Photo Essay During a tour of Highland Park Elementary School .. education/photoessay/03.html - 8.6KB
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President Bush Speaks at Summit on the 21st Century Work Force
I want to thank you all for giving me a chance to come by and visit with you. It is a huge honor to be the President of the .. - 16.3KB
14 Mar 03
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President Commends Senate for Passing Education Reform Bill
I commend the Senate for passing an education reform bill that will significantly improve and strengthen our public .. 2001/06/20010614-11.html - 20.1KB

President Bush Speaks at Business Roundtable
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Well, welcome to the White House. (Laughter.) The Vice President and I are honored to be with you today. As I .. 2001/06/20010620-6.html - 18.2KB

President Bush Meets with Senate Education Working Group
THE PRESIDENT: Listen, thank you all for coming. It is good to see members of the Senate coming back from the Memorial Day break ... 2001/06/20010605-3.html - 10.1KB
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President Commends Congress for Passage of Landmark Education Bill
"These historic reforms will improve our public schools by creating an environment where every child can learn .. - 5.3KB
20 Dec 01
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President Launches Education Partnership with Muslim Nations
"To bridge cultures and broaden understanding between children of different nations, President Bush today helped announce ... - 16.1KB
29 Oct 01
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Mrs. Cheney - "Teaching Our Children About America" – Dallas Institute of Humanities and ..
Mrs. Cheney speaks about teaching our children about America at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. - 14.6KB
25 Oct 01
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