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Topic: Home > Policies

Nominations Sent to the Senate
NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Edward C. Aldridge, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary of Defense for .. - 7.4KB
23 Apr 01
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Energy for America's Future
Provides an overview of President Bush's energy policies. - 24.2KB
13 Jan 09
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The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
Patients' Bill of Rights. The President strongly supports the passage of a Patients' Bill of Rights that leaves medical .. patient-protection.html - 5.1KB
29 Apr 03
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President Commends House for Passing Defense Bill
I am pleased that the House has taken the vital step to ensure our Nation's security by passing the Defense Authorization ... - 18.9KB
27 Sep 01
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President Signs Authorization for Use of Military Force bill
In signing this resolution, I maintain the longstanding position of the executive branch regarding the President's ... - 21.2KB
25 Sep 01
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UK's Blair Pledges Solidarity
"And I say to you, we stand side by side with you now, without hesitation." - 23.8KB
20 Sep 01
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President Welcomes Japan's Support
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi announced a seven-point package of actions to support the U.S. and international response to ... - 19.6KB
20 Sep 01
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Emergency Declared for New Jersey
The President yesterday issued an emergency declaration for the State of New Jersey and ordered Federal aid to supplement state ... - 19.7KB
20 Sep 01
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"Islam is Peace" Says President
"These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow .. - 22.8KB
18 Sep 01
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"We've All Got a Job To Do"
"I'm here to remind people that the best way to fight terrorism is to not let terrorism intimidate America. A lot of people who work in this ... - 19.7KB
17 Sep 01
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