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Topic: Home > Policies

President Bush to Nominate Seven Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate seven .. - 9.4KB
23 Mar 01
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Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
MR. FLEISCHER: Good afternoon. I have many announcements this morning. President Bush will welcome .. - 58.1KB
22 Mar 01
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President Bush Speaks at Joint Meeting of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
THE PRESIDENT: So I like to tell people I'm beginning to see a culture of respect develop in our Nation's Capital, and .. - 24.3KB
14 Mar 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 5. Modernize and Reform Medicare
Describes the budget's major policy initiative to modernize and reform Medicare. - 13.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 21. Department of Health and Human Services
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). - 24.4KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- III. Overview of the President's 10-Year Budget Plan
Provides a 10-year overview of the budget. - 26.5KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- II. Budget Highlights
Describes the highlights of the budget. - 6.9KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 29. Department of Veterans Affairs
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Veterans Affairs. - 10.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 13. Invest in Health Care
Describes the budget's key policy priorities to invest in health care. - 19.8KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 25. Department of Justice
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Justice (DOJ). - 10.1KB
28 Feb 01
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