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Topic: Home > Policies

The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
The Administration is committed to improving the opportunities for Americans with modest means to get mainstream health .. health-medicaid.html - 5.4KB
29 Apr 03
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The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
To help patients choose the best care to meet their individual needs, the Administration is committed to making better information .. patient-info.html - 4.0KB
29 Apr 03
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The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
NIH budget. With this historic increase, NIH will be able to further its efforts to support research to improve the prevention, .. health-budget.html - 3.5KB
29 Apr 03
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The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
The President supports legislation that provides for the creation of association health plans, to enable small employers to .. health-plans.html - 3.6KB
29 Apr 03
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The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
President Bush proposed a framework to strengthen Medicare and address its financial security. Medicare prescription drug coverage .. - 7.6KB
29 Apr 03
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What is Trade Promotion Authority?
Since trade promotion authority lapsed in 1994, America has stood on the sidelines while countries worldwide have brokered trade agreements that benefit their .. - 9.7KB
29 Apr 03
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What is Trade Adjustment Assisstance?
International trade means more and higher paying jobs for American workers. An estimated 12 million U. Jobs supported by U. High-tech industry jobs supported ... - 5.6KB
29 Apr 03
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President Bush Speaks at Summit on the 21st Century Work Force
I want to thank you all for giving me a chance to come by and visit with you. It is a huge honor to be the President of the .. - 16.3KB
14 Mar 03
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations sent to the senate - 5.7KB
13 Mar 03
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President Bush Calls for Action on the Economy and Energy
Economy Budget and Taxes - 36.4KB
02 Feb 02
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