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Topic: Home > Executive Acts

Implements or refers to executive acts by the President.

Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho, to be Secretary of the Interior. Governor .. - 19.9KB
16 Mar 06
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President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate four individuals to serve in his administration. The President intends to .. - 22.1KB
02 Feb 02
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President Bush to Nominate Five Individuals to Serve in his Administration
She has served as Labor Counsel to the U. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions since 1997. .. - 22.4KB
11 Oct 01
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President Bush to Nominate One Individual to Serve in his Administration and Appoint Three ..
Dr. Richard D. Land is currently the President and the Chief Executive Officer of the Ethics and .. - 21.9KB
17 Sep 01
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Jorge L. Arrizurieta, of Florida, to be United States Alternate Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank, vice .. - 21.0KB
06 Sep 01
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President to Nominate Barthwell to Drug Control Policy Office
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate Dr. Andrea G. Barthwell to be Deputy Director for .. - 19.8KB
06 Sep 01
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President Bush to Nominate One Individual to Serve in His Administration and Six ..
United States Attorneys. The President intends to nominate Kevin Moley to be the Representative of the United States ... - 23.4KB
03 Aug 01
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President Bush to Announce Eight Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate seven .. - 10.8KB
30 May 01
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President Bush Announces Five Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President George W. Bush today announced his intent to nominate five .. - 23.0KB
07 Mar 01
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To Implement the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement and for Other Purposes, 2009
1. On April 12, 2006, the United States entered into the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (.. - 17.8KB
16 Jan 09
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