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Topic: Home > News > Speeches

President Bush Meets with President Saca of El Salvador
President Bush on Tuesday said, "We've had a very good discussion. First I want to thank you for your support of freedom in .. - 10.1KB
16 Dec 08
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President Bush Hosts Hanukkah Reception
President Bush on Monday said, "The story of Hanukkah recalls the miraculous victory of a small band of patriots against tyranny, and .. - 10.7KB
15 Dec 08
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President Bush Participates in Press Availability with Afghanistan President Karzai in ..
President Bush on Monday said, "I told the President that you can count on the United States -- just like you' ... - 21.3KB
15 Dec 08
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks During Visit to the Children's National Medical Center and Unveiling of ...
MRS. BUSH: Thank you very much. And it is sort of a bittersweet time. I'm so happy to be here, but this .. - 10.5KB
15 Dec 08
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President Bush Visits with Troops in Afghanistan
President Bush on Monday said, "Because of you, America has a strong friend and partner in the fight against extremism in a pivotal .. - 17.2KB
15 Dec 08
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President Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Maliki Sign the Strategic Framework Agreement and ..
President Bush on Sunday said, "With these agreements, Mr. Prime Minister, we're honoring the sacrifices that I ... - 15.8KB
14 Dec 08
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President Bush Visits Troops in Iraq
President Bush on Sunday said, "And so I have a message for you and all who serve our country: I want to thank you for making the noble .. - 16.4KB
14 Dec 08
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President Bush Visits with Troops in Afghanistan
President Bush on Sunday said, "Because of you, America has a strong friend and partner in the fight against extremism in a .. - 14.0KB
14 Dec 08
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President and Mrs. Bush Host Children's Holiday Reception and Performance
President Bush on Monday said, "Welcome to the White House. Yes! We're excited you are here. And we're excited you're .. - 11.8KB
08 Dec 08
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President Bush Discusses World AIDS Day
President Bush on Monday said, "Today is World AIDS Day, a day we reaffirm our commitment to fight HIV/AIDS at home and abroad. .. - 8.3KB
01 Dec 08
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