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To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act and for Other ...
1. Section 213A(b) of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (19 U.S.C. 2703a(b)) (the "CBERA ... - 9.5KB
30 Sep 08
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Press Briefing by Tony Fratto
Watch Tuesday's Press Briefing with White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto - 36.4KB
30 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with President Adamkus of Lithuania
President Bush on Monday said, "I've enjoyed working with you on a variety of issues. Lithuania's ascension into NATO is a .. - 8.2KB
29 Sep 08
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President Bush Presents 2007 National Medals of Science and Technology and Innovation
President Bush on Monday said, "This is a joyous day for the White House as we honor some of our nation's .. - 16.7KB
29 Sep 08
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Press Briefing by Tony Fratto
Watch Monday's Press Briefing with White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto - 31.5KB
29 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with President Yushchenko of Ukraine
President Bush on Monday said, "You and I just had a good discussion about a variety of issues. We discussed, you know, the .. - 8.2KB
29 Sep 08
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the 2008 National Book Festival Authors' Breakfast
MRS. BUSH: Good morning. Welcome to the White House. Thank you for coming to the Eighth Annual National Book Festival. I .. - 7.1KB
27 Sep 08
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President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with President Karzai of Afghanistan, ..
President Bush on Friday said, "My reaction to our conversation is, one, there was promise and progress. ... - 11.7KB
26 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Great Britain
President Bush on Friday said, "The United States has got a great friendship with Great Britain. And you and I .. - 9.7KB
26 Sep 08
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National Hunting and Fishing Day, 2008
From our rugged peaks and mountains to our shining seas, our Nation is blessed with remarkable natural treasures. These .. - 6.2KB
26 Sep 08
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