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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Proclamation

Proclamation of some occasion or observance.

A Proclamation by the President: Jewish Heritage Week, 2001
Americans have long cherished our identity as a Nation of immigrants. The shared values and aspirations of those who have come to .. - 5.3KB
09 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National Organ and Tissue Donor
Organ and tissue transplantation is one of the most significant advances in medicine. Wonderful success stories give hope to .. - 5.6KB
04 Apr 01
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A Proclamation By The President: National Former Prisoner Of War Recognition Day, 2001
From our earliest beginnings as a Nation, America has been blessed with citizens who have been willing to fight .. - 6.7KB
02 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Pan American Day And Pan American Week, 2001
This year on Pan American Day and during Pan American Week, the nations of the Americas celebrate the progress we have .. - 6.2KB
02 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2001
Every child deserves to live in a safe, permanent, and caring family. Regrettably, abuse and neglect continue to threaten .. - 5.7KB
28 Mar 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National Girl Scout Week, 2001
This week marks the 89th anniversary of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. Juliette Gordon Low .. - 5.1KB
16 Mar 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Greek Independence Day
Our democratic system of government traces its earliest roots back to ancient Greece. The leaders of the Revolution and the Framers ... - 5.8KB
05 Mar 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Women's History Month
In 1845, journalist and author Margaret Fuller laid out her hope for the future of this Nation's women: ""We would have .. - 6.5KB
02 Mar 01
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Proclamation by the President: National Poison Prevention Week
National Poison Prevention Week alerts Americans to the dangers of accidental childhood poisonings and to the measures that .. - 6.0KB
02 Mar 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Fourtieth Anniversary of the Peace Corps
The generous spirit of the American people has given this country a great and long-standing tradition of volun- ... - 6.1KB
28 Feb 01
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