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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Proclamation

Proclamation of some occasion or observance.

A Proclamation by the President: Asian/Pacific American Heritage
As we move into the 21st century, the United States continues to greatly benefit from the contributions of its diverse .. - 6.0KB
07 May 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Older Americans Month, 2001
In cities, towns, and communities across the United States, older Americans make countless contributions to the life of our .. - 6.0KB
04 May 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Small Business Week, 2001
Small business owners who work long hours, juggling family and career responsibilities and serving as community volunteers, are .. - 6.1KB
04 May 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Law Day, U.S.A., 2001
This year marks the 44th commemoration of May 1 as Law Day, U.S.A., a national day of observance to celebrate our legal heritage. .. - 6.6KB
01 May 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National Day of Prayer, 2001
Turning to prayer in times of joy and celebration, strife and tragedy is an integral part of our national heritage. When the .. - 6.3KB
30 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Loyalty Day, 2001
Two hundred and twenty-five years ago, America's founders faced a decisive crossroads. Thomas Jefferson later remembered ""the bold .. - 21.8KB
25 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National Volunteer Week, 2001
America is blessed with millions of individuals of good will and good works who play significant roles in making positive .. - 6.1KB
16 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: Thomas Jefferson Day, 2001
Our Nation's Founding Fathers overcame enormous obstacles to establish a system of government unequaled in history. We are the .. - 6.3KB
12 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National D.A.R.E. Day, 2001
Today, we recognize Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), the largest and most widely known substance abuse prevention .. - 5.3KB
10 Apr 01
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A Proclamation by the President: National Crime Victims' Rights
Every day, Americans are making progress both in the fight against crime and in the effort to ensure fair and compassionate .. - 6.3KB
10 Apr 01
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