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Topic: Home > Policies

Prime Minister of Canada to Visit Washington
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs &.. - 18.9KB
21 Sep 01
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U.S. and Indonesia Pledge Cooperation
President George W. Bush and President Megawati Soekarnoputri today vowed to open a new era of bilateral cooperation based on shared democratic values .. - 27.4KB
19 Sep 01
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President Launches Online American Relief and Response Effort
"If a concerned American wants to help a neighbor in need, even though the neighborhood might not be right next to .. - 14.2KB
18 Sep 01
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President Chirac Pledges Support
It is my honor to welcome a good friend, a good personal friend and a good friend of America to the Oval Office. It's the first .. - 29.0KB
18 Sep 01
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Guard and Reserves "Define Spirit of America"
"An act of war has been committed on this country, and the dedication of our Guardsmen and Reservists will serve not only as a .. - 31.9KB
17 Sep 01
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President Urges Readiness and Patience
"The United States will do what it takes to win this war. And I ask patience of the American people. There is no question in my .. - 28.0KB
15 Sep 01
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President Pledges Assistance for New York in Phone Call with Pataki, Giuliani
" is an opportunity to do generations a favor, by coming together and whipping terrorism; hunting it .. - 35.2KB
14 Sep 01
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President Meets with Families at Target Store, Discusses Tax Cuts
"And the people wanted tax relief. The people want fiscal sanity in Washington. The people want all the money going into ... - 29.5KB
24 Aug 01
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President Meets with Families at Target Store in Kansas City
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs &.. 20010821-2_20010821-2-515h.html - 20.4KB
24 Aug 01
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After talking with several families about how far $600 can go during family shopping trips, ...
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration .. - 17.8KB
24 Aug 01
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