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President Speaks at Leadership Forum in Wilmington, Delaware
THE PRESIDENT: I loved seeing the Power Hour kids. I know societies can change one person at a time. And while those of us in .. - 13.8KB
03 Apr 01
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President Bush Speaks to National Restaurant Association
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Denise, thank you very much for your kind introduction and your leadership. I'm honored to be here, and .. - 17.8KB
02 Apr 01
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Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
MR. FLEISCHER: Two personnel announcements from the President today. The President intends to nominate .. - 32.4KB
30 Mar 01
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President Bush Speaks to African American leaders
THE PRESIDENT: I will constantly speak for the values that unite our country: personal responsibility, equal justice, equal .. - 20.6KB
29 Mar 01
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President Speaks with House and Senate Leaders
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the leadership of the House and the Senate for coming up. Today's a big day. The House is going to .. - 5.4KB
28 Mar 01
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President Speaks to High Tech Leaders
THE PRESIDENT: I first want you all to know that this administration has great confidence in the future of our technology industry. We recognize ... - 19.4KB
28 Mar 01
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President Bush Discusses the Economy at Western Michigan
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the leaders of the Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce, Kevin McCarthy. I'm honored that you would have me ... - 25.6KB
27 Mar 01
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Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
MR. FLEISCHER: For the day, the President will address the Southwest Michigan First Coalition and .. - 11.2KB
27 Mar 01
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President Speaks to Employees of Bajan Industries in Kansas City,
THE PRESIDENT: Elson, thank you very much for your hospitality. It was interesting, you said the name of this company .. - 23.6KB
26 Mar 01
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President Bush Discusses the Budget in Billings, Montana
THE PRESIDENT: Before I begin and say the thanks, I do want you all to join me in a moment of silent prayer for the two .. - 26.9KB
26 Mar 01
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