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Press Release

For Immediate Release
June 01, 2006
Contact: Ryan Travis (King)
Afshin Mohamadi (Maloney)
New York Congressional Delegation Demands an Explanation from Chertoff for Crazy Homeland Security Funding Plan
Reps. King, Maloney and entire delegation want meeting with Secretary

WASHINGTON, DC – Irate New York Members of Congress are demanding that Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff meet with them to explain his department’s anti-terrorism funding scheme that results in a $83 million cut for New York City and a $114 million cut for the State of New York this year. Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan, Queens), Chair of the House Democratic Task Force on Homeland Security, and their 27 colleagues in the New York delegation today sent a letter to Chertoff demanding the meeting (letter to Chertoff).

“With this cut, DHS has displayed an incredible lack of understanding of the threat that New York City faces,” said King. “It is absolutely unacceptable, and I will fight this all the way.”

“If they think they can announce such a bone-headed funding plan and not answer the tough questions, they’ve got another thing coming,” said Maloney. “We need to find out first hand if they’re as incompetent as they seem. Maybe the Secretary will come meet us at the Empire State Building so we can show him the many national icons in New York.”

Despite promises from Chertoff earlier this year that his department would finally use a more risk-based formula for funding of local security funding, the distribution announced yesterday includes huge cuts for New York and the Washington, D.C. area, while increasing funding for smaller communities, such as Omaha, Louisville and Jacksonville. According to published reports, the government’s new risk-assessment formula accounted for no “national icons” and only four major financial assets in New York City.

Last year, New York City received $207.56 million from the Urban Area Security Initiative program, but this year it will receive $124.45 million. The total funding for all of New York State will drop from $298.35 million last year to $183.67 million this year.

An estimate based on recent Census population figures shows that New York will receive $2.78 per person this year out of the grants to states, while Wyoming will receive $14.75. Meanwhile, out of the total homeland security funding, New York will receive $9.54 per person, while Wyoming will receive $15.07 (per capita Homeland Security fund distribution).
