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Topic: Home > Policies

Energy for America's Future
Provides an overview of President Bush's energy policies. - 24.2KB
13 Jan 09
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Energy News Archive
Energy Archive energy/archive.html - 61.8KB
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The President's Proposals for Health Security in the World's Best Health Care System
Patients' Bill of Rights. The President strongly supports the passage of a Patients' Bill of Rights that leaves medical .. patient-protection.html - 5.1KB
29 Apr 03
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President Commends House for Passing Defense Bill
I am pleased that the House has taken the vital step to ensure our Nation's security by passing the Defense Authorization ... - 18.9KB
27 Sep 01
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President Signs Authorization for Use of Military Force bill
In signing this resolution, I maintain the longstanding position of the executive branch regarding the President's ... 2001/09/20010918-10.html - 21.2KB

UK's Blair Pledges Solidarity
"And I say to you, we stand side by side with you now, without hesitation." 2001/09/20010920-7.html - 23.8KB

President Welcomes Japan's Support
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi announced a seven-point package of actions to support the U.S. and international response to ... 2001/09/20010920-1.html - 19.6KB
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Photo Essay: International Trade
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus Email This Page President George W. Bush poses for a photo with a port worker at the Blount Island Marine .. - 8.3KB
16 Oct 08
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Photo Essay: International Trade
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus Email This Page President George W. Bush signs transmittal papers for the Colombian Free Trade Agreement Monday, .. internationaltrade/photos/2_0.html - 9.1KB

Photo Essay: International Trade
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus Email This Page President George W. Bush delivers remarks on trade policy Tuesday, March 18, 2008, at the .. internationaltrade/photos/3_0.html - 8.3KB

Photo Essay: International Trade
Home > News & Policies > Policies in Focus Email This Page President George W. Bush joins port workers for a photo following his remarks on U.S. trade .. internationaltrade/photos/6_0.html - 8.4KB
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President Meets with Families at Target Store, Discusses Tax Cuts
"And the people wanted tax relief. The people want fiscal sanity in Washington. The people want all the money going into ... - 29.5KB
24 Aug 01
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Press Briefing by OMB Director Mitch Daniels
"The report we've issued this morning confirms that the nation has entered an era of solid surpluses. Surpluses on .. 2001/08/20010822-1.html - 50.4KB

President Supportive of Bipartisan Medicare Legislation
The bipartisan legislation introduced today by Representatives Johnson and Stark, and cosponsored by every member of .. 2001/08/20010803-1.html - 19.0KB
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President Meets with Families at Target Store in Kansas City
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs &.. 20010821-2_20010821-2-515h.html - 20.4KB
24 Aug 01
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After talking with several families about how far $600 can go during family shopping trips, ...
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration .. 2001/08/images/20010821-2.html - 17.8KB
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Dr. Rice Discusses Bilateral Meeting of President Bush and Russian President Putin
"Well, I think that I'd just point you to the line in the joint statement that they already have .. - 20.3KB
22 Jul 01
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Francis S. Blake, of Connecticut, to be Deputy Secretary of Energy, vice T. J. Glauthier, resigned ... - 7.9KB
05 May 01
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Romolo A. Bernardi, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, vice .. 2001/05/20010501-1.html - 8.9KB

President Bush to Nominate Ten Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate ten .. 2001/05/20010531-7.html - 25.9KB

President Bush to Nominate Five Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate five .. 2001/05/20010523-5.html - 22.6KB
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 5. Modernize and Reform Medicare
Describes the budget's major policy initiative to modernize and reform Medicare. - 13.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 21. Department of Health and Human Services
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). blueprint/bud21.html - 24.4KB

A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- III. Overview of the President's 10-Year Budget Plan
Provides a 10-year overview of the budget. blueprint/budiii.html - 26.5KB

A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- II. Budget Highlights
Describes the highlights of the budget. blueprint/budii.html - 6.9KB
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Financial Actions in the War on Terrorism
America Responds to terrorism through diplomatic actions. - 10.8KB
24 Mar 08
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Military Actions
America responds to terrorism through military actions. militaryresponse.html - 12.6KB

Diplomatic Actions
America Responds to terrorism through diplomatic actions. diplomaticresponse.html - 13.2KB

America Responds to Terrorism
America Responds to terrorism through investigative actions. investigativeresponse.html - 9.9KB
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