For Immediate Release
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Contact: Daniel Grant
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Rep. Price Introduces SCHIP Reauthorization Bill

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Tom Price (GA-06-R) issued the following statement after introducing the More Children, More Choices Act, a bill that reauthorizes the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The legislation meets SCHIP’s original intent – extending health care to poor children – while providing tax credits for the purchase of personal health insurance for children from low-to-middle income families.

“Our most vulnerable children must not be denied access to vital health care,” said Rep. Price. “But they must not be used as a political tool to expand bureaucratic medicine either. Instead of politicizing something as important as health care for poor children, we must work positively to ensure that health care remains accessible for the kids who need assistance the most. This proposal respects the original intent of SCHIP, provides full funding for poor children, and offers options to expand private, personal coverage for children in moderate income households.

“It was with a great bipartisan spirit that SCHIP was created over a decade ago. Rather than allowing a broader ideological agenda to spoil this positive program, it is my hope that we can work in a deliberate and bipartisan manner with the new administration to provide necessary assistance to America’s neediest children.”


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