Legislation Sponsored by Rep. Tom Price in the 110th Congress

H.R. 621, Home Oxygen Patient Protection Act of 2007
To amend part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to permit Medicare patients to rent oxygen medical equipment.

H.R. 817, Finding the Ultimate Energy Lifeline Act of 2007
To provide for the establishment of a working group to identify and advance the development and use of alternative sources of fuel for motor vehicles.

H.R. 1685, Data Security Act of 2007
To protect information relating to consumers, to require notice of security breaches, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1761, Teacher Incentive Fund Act
To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to establish the Teacher Incentive Fund Program to assist States, local educational agencies, and nonprofit organizations to develop, implement, or improve comprehensive performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals, especially for teachers and principals in high-need schools, who raise student academic achievement and close the achievement gap.

H.R. 2626, Comprehensive Health Coverage And Reform Enhancement Act
To provide for incentives to encourage health insurance coverage, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3888, More Children, More Choices Act
To provide for a 5-year SCHIP reauthorization for coverage of low-income children, an expansion of child health care insurance coverage through tax fairness, and a health care Federalism initiative, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4464, Common Sense English Act
To ensure that an employer may require employees to speak English while engaged in work.


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