[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 24, Volume 3]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 24CFR570.200]

[Page 37-41]
                      Subpart C_Eligible Activities
Sec. 570.200  General policies.

    Source: 53 FR 34439, Sept. 6, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) Determination of eligibility. An activity may be assisted in 
whole or in part with CDBG funds only if all of the following 
requirements are met:
    (1) Compliance with section 105 of the Act. Each activity must meet 
the eligibility requirements of section 105 of the Act as further 
defined in this subpart.
    (2) Compliance with national objectives. Grant recipients under the 
Entitlement and HUD-administered Small Cities programs must certify that 
their projected use of funds has been developed so as to give maximum 
feasible priority to activities which will carry out one of the national 
objectives of benefit to low and moderate income families or aid in the 
prevention or elimination of slums or blight; the projected use of funds 
may also include activities which the recipient certifies are designed 
to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency 
because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the 
health or welfare of the community where other financial resources are 
not available to meet such needs. Consistent with the foregoing, each 
recipient under the Entitlement and HUD-administered Small Cities 
programs must ensure, and maintain evidence, that each of its activities 
assisted with CDBG funds meets one of the three national objectives as 
contained in its certification. Criteria for determining whether an 
activity addresses one or more of these objectives are contained at 
Sec. 570.208.
    (3) Compliance with the primary objective. The primary objective of 
the Act is described in section 101(c) of the Act. Consistent with this 
objective, Entitlement recipients and recipients of the HUD-administered 
Small Cities program in Hawaii must ensure that over a period of time 
specified in their certification not to exceed three years, not less 
than 70 percent of the aggregate of CDBG fund expenditures shall be for 
activities meeting the criteria under Sec. 570.208(a) or Sec. 
570.208(d)(5) or (6) for benefitting low- and moderate-income persons; 
Insular area recipients must meet this requirement for each separate 
grant. The requirements for the HUD-administered Small Cities program in 
New York are in Sec. 570.420(e)(2). Additional requirements for the 
HUD-administered Small Cities program in Hawaii are in Sec. 570.430(e). 
In determining the percentage of funds expended for such activities:
    (i) Cost of administration and planning eligible under Sec. 570.205 
and Sec. 570.206 will be assumed to benefit low and moderate income 
persons in the same proportion as the remainder of the CDBG funds and, 
accordingly shall be excluded from the calculation;
    (ii) Funds deducted by HUD for repayment of urban renewal temporary 
loans pursuant to Sec. 570.802(b) shall be excluded;
    (iii) Funds expended for the repayment of loans guaranteed under the 
provisions of subpart M shall also be excluded;
    (iv) Funds expended for the acquisition, new construction or 
rehabilitation of property for housing that qualifies under Sec. 
570.208(a)(3) shall be counted for this purpose but shall be limited to 
an amount determined by multiplying the total cost (including CDBG and 
non-CDBG costs) of the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation by 
the percent of units in such housing to be occupied by low and moderate 
income persons.
    (v) Funds expended for any other activities qualifying under Sec. 
570.208(a) shall be counted for this purpose in their entirety.
    (4) Compliance with environmental review procedures. The 
environmental review procedures set forth at 24 CFR part 58 must be 
completed for each activity (or project as defined in 24 CFR part 58), 
as applicable.
    (5) Cost principles. Costs incurred, whether charged on a direct or 
an indirect basis, must be in conformance with OMB Circulars A-87, 
``Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments''; A-
122, ``Cost Principles for Non-profit Organizations''; or A-21, ``Cost 
Principles for Educational

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Institutions,'' as applicable.\1\ All items of cost listed in Attachment 
B of these Circulars that require prior Federal agency approval are 
allowable without prior approval of HUD to the extent they comply with 
the general policies and principles stated in Attachment A of such 
circulars and are otherwise eligible under this subpart C, except for 
the following:

    \1\ These circulars are available from the American Communities 
Center by calling the following toll-free numbers: (800) 998-9999 or 
(800) 483-2209 (TDD).

    (i) Depreciation methods for fixed assets shall not be changed 
without HUD's specific approval or, if charged through a cost allocation 
plan, the Federal cognizant agency.
    (ii) Fines and penalties (including punitive damages) are 
unallowable costs to the CDBG program.
    (iii) Pre-award costs are limited to those authorized under 
paragraph (h) of this section.
    (b) Special policies governing facilities. The following special 
policies apply to:
    (1) Facilities containing both eligible and ineligible uses. A 
public facility otherwise eligible for assistance under the CDBG program 
may be provided with CDBG funds even if it is part of a multiple use 
building containing ineligible uses, if:
    (i) The facility which is otherwise eligible and proposed for 
assistance will occupy a designated and discrete area within the larger 
facility; and
    (ii) The recipient can determine the costs attributable to the 
facility proposed for assistance as separate and distinct from the 
overall costs of the multiple-use building and/or facility.

Allowable costs are limited to those attributable to the eligible 
portion of the building or facility.
    (2) Fees for use of facilities. Reasonable fees may be charged for 
the use of the facilities assisted with CDBG funds, but charges such as 
excessive membership fees, which will have the effect of precluding low 
and moderate income persons from using the facilities, are not 
    (c) Special assessments under the CDBG program. The following 
policies relate to special assessments under the CDBG program:
    (1) Definition of special assessment. The term ``special 
assessment'' means the recovery of the capital costs of a public 
improvement, such as streets, water or sewer lines, curbs, and gutters, 
through a fee or charge levied or filed as a lien against a parcel of 
real estate as a direct result of benefit derived from the installation 
of a public improvement, or a one-time charge made as a condition of 
access to a public improvement. This term does not relate to taxes, or 
the establishment of the value of real estate for the purpose of levying 
real estate, property, or ad valorem taxes, and does not include 
periodic charges based on the use of a public improvement, such as water 
or sewer user charges, even if such charges include the recovery of all 
or some portion of the capital costs of the public improvement.
    (2) Special assessments to recover capital costs. Where CDBG funds 
are used to pay all or part of the cost of a public improvement, special 
assessments may be imposed as follows:
    (i) Special assessments to recover the CDBG funds may be made only 
against properties owned and occupied by persons not of low and moderate 
income. Such assessments constitute program income.
    (ii) Special assessments to recover the non-CDBG portion may be made 
provided that CDBG funds are used to pay the special assessment in 
behalf of all properties owned and occupied by low and moderate income 
persons; except that CDBG funds need not be used to pay the special 
assessments in behalf of properties owned and occupied by moderate 
income persons if the grant recipient certifies that it does not have 
sufficient CDBG funds to pay the assessments in behalf of all of the low 
and moderate income owner-occupant persons. Funds collected through such 
special assessments are not program income.
    (3) Public improvements not initially assisted with CDBG funds. The 
payment of special assessments with CDBG funds constitutes CDBG 
assistance to the public improvement. Therefore, CDBG funds may be used 
to pay special assessments provided:

[[Page 39]]

    (i) The installation of the public improvements was carried out in 
compliance with requirements applicable to activities assisted under 
this part including environmental, citizen participation and Davis-Bacon 
    (ii) The installation of the public improvement meets a criterion 
for national objectives in Sec. 570.208(a)(1), (b), or (c); and
    (iii) The requirements of Sec. 570.200(c)(2)(ii) are met.
    (d) Consultant activities. Consulting services are eligible for 
assistance under this part for professional assistance in program 
planning, development of community development objectives, and other 
general professional guidance relating to program execution. The use of 
consultants is governed by the following:
    (1) Employer-employee type of relationship. No person providing 
consultant services in an employer-employee type of relationship shall 
receive more than a reasonable rate of compensation for personal 
services paid with CDBG funds. In no event, however, shall such 
compensation exceed the equivalent of the daily rate paid for Level IV 
of the Executive Schedule. Such services shall be evidenced by written 
agreements between the parties which detail the responsibilities, 
standards, and compensation.
    (2) Independent contractor relationship. Consultant services 
provided under an independent contractor relationship are governed by 
the procurement requirements in 24 CFR 85.36, and are not subject to the 
compensation limitation of Level IV of the Executive Schedule.
    (e) Recipient determinations required as a condition of eligibility. 
In several instances under this subpart, the eligibility of an activity 
depends on a special local determination. Recipients shall maintain 
documentation of all such determinations. A written determination is 
required for any activity carried out under the authority of Sec. Sec. 
570.201(f), 570.201(i)(2), 570.201(p), 570.201(q), 570.202(b)(3), 
570.206(f), 570.209, and 570.309.
    (f) Means of carrying out eligible activities. (1) Activities 
eligible under this subpart, other than those authorized under Sec. 
570.204(a), may be undertaken, subject to local law:
    (i) By the recipient through:
    (A) Its employees, or
    (B) Procurement contracts governed by the requirements of 24 CFR 
85.36; or
    (ii) Through loans or grants under agreements with subrecipients, as 
defined at Sec. 570.500(c); or
    (iii) By one or more public agencies, including existing local 
public agencies, that are designated by the chief executive officer of 
the recipient.
    (2) Activities made eligible under Sec. 570.204(a) may only be 
undertaken by entities specified in that section.
    (g) Limitation on planning and administrative costs. No more than 20 
percent of the sum of any grant, plus program income, shall be expended 
for planning and program administrative costs, as defined in Sec. Sec. 
570.205 and 507.206, respectively. Recipients of entitlement grants 
under subpart D of this part shall conform with this requirement by 
limiting the amount of CDBG funds obligated for planning plus 
administration during each program year to an amount no greater than 20 
percent of the sum of its entitlement grant made for that program year 
(if any) plus the program income received by the recipient and its 
subrecipients (if any) during that program year.
    (h) Reimbursement for pre-award costs. The effective date of the 
grant agreement is the program year start date or the date that the 
consolidated plan is received by HUD, whichever is later. For a Section 
108 loan guarantee, the effective date of the grant agreement is the 
date of HUD execution of the grant agreement amendment for the 
particular loan guarantee commitment.
    (1) Prior to the effective date of the grant agreement, a recipient 
may incur costs or may authorize a subrecipient to incur costs, and then 
after the effective date of the grant agreement pay for those costs 
using its CDBG funds, provided that:
    (i) The activity for which the costs are being incurred is included, 
prior to the costs being incurred, in a consolidated plan action plan, 
an amended consolidated plan action plan, or an application under 
subpart M of this part, except that a new entitlement grantee preparing 
to receive its first allocation of CDBG funds may incur costs necessary 
to develop its consolidated plan

[[Page 40]]

and undertake other administrative actions necessary to receive its 
first grant, prior to the costs being included in its consolidated plan;
    (ii) Citizens are advised of the extent to which these pre-award 
costs will affect future grants;
    (iii) The costs and activities funded are in compliance with the 
requirements of this part and with the Environmental Review Procedures 
stated in 24 CFR part 58;
    (iv) The activity for which payment is being made complies with the 
statutory and regulatory provisions in effect at the time the costs are 
paid for with CDBG funds;
    (v) CDBG payment will be made during a time no longer than the next 
two program years following the effective date of the grant agreement or 
amendment in which the activity is first included; and
    (vi) The total amount of pre-award costs to be paid during any 
program year pursuant to this provision is no more than the greater of 
25 percent of the amount of the grant made for that year or $300,000.
    (2) Upon the written request of the recipient, HUD may authorize 
payment of pre-award costs for activities that do not meet the criteria 
at paragraph (h)(1)(v) or (h)(1)(vi) of this section, if HUD determines, 
in writing, that there is good cause for granting an exception upon 
consideration of the following factors, as applicable:
    (i) Whether granting the authority would result in a significant 
contribution to the goals and purposes of the CDBG program;
    (ii) Whether failure to grant the authority would result in undue 
hardship to the recipient or beneficiaries of the activity;
    (iii) Whether granting the authority would not result in a violation 
of a statutory provision or any other regulatory provision;
    (iv) Whether circumstances are clearly beyond the recipient's 
control; or
    (v) Any other relevant considerations.
    (i) Urban Development Action Grant. Grant assistance may be provided 
with Urban Development Action Grant funds, subject to the provisions of 
subpart G, for:
    (1) Activities eligible for assistance under this subpart; and
    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 570.207, such other 
activities as the Secretary may determine to be consistent with the 
purposes of the Urban Development Action Grant program.
    (j) Faith-based activities. (1) Organizations that are religious or 
faith-based are eligible, on the same basis as any other organization, 
to participate in the CDBG program. Neither the Federal government nor a 
State or local government receiving funds under CDBG programs shall 
discriminate against an organization on the basis of the organization's 
religious character or affiliation.
    (2) Organizations that are directly funded under the CDBG program 
may not engage in inherently religious activities, such as worship, 
religious instruction, or proselytization, as part of the programs or 
services funded under this part. If an organization conducts such 
activities, the activities must be offered separately, in time or 
location, from the programs or services funded under this part, and 
participation must be voluntary for the beneficiaries of the HUD-funded 
programs or services.
    (3) A religious organization that participates in the CDBG program 
will retain its independence from Federal, State, and local governments, 
and may continue to carry out its mission, including the definition, 
practice, and expression of its religious beliefs, provided that it does 
not use direct CDBG funds to support any inherently religious 
activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization. 
Among other things, faith-based organizations may use space in their 
facilities to provide CDBG-funded services, without removing religious 
art, icons, scriptures, or other religious symbols. In addition, a CDBG-
funded religious organization retains its authority over its internal 
governance, and it may retain religious terms in its organization's 
name, select its board members on a religious basis, and include 
religious references in its organization's mission statements and other 
governing documents.

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    (4) An organization that participates in the CDBG program shall not, 
in providing program assistance, discriminate against a program 
beneficiary or prospective program beneficiary on the basis of religion 
or religious belief.
    (5) CDBG funds may not be used for the acquisition, construction, or 
rehabilitation of structures to the extent that those structures are 
used for inherently religious activities. CDBG funds may be used for the 
acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of structures only to the 
extent that those structures are used for conducting eligible activities 
under this part. Where a structure is used for both eligible and 
inherently religious activities, CDBG funds may not exceed the cost of 
those portions of the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation that 
are attributable to eligible activities in accordance with the cost 
accounting requirements applicable to CDBG funds in this part. 
Sanctuaries, chapels, or other rooms that a CDBG-funded religious 
congregation uses as its principal place of worship, however, are 
ineligible for CDBG-funded improvements. Disposition of real property 
after the term of the grant, or any change in use of the property during 
the term of the grant, is subject to government-wide regulations 
governing real property disposition (see 24 CFR parts 84 and 85).
    (6) If a State or local government voluntarily contributes its own 
funds to supplement federally funded activities, the State or local 
government has the option to segregate the Federal funds or commingle 
them. However, if the funds are commingled, this section applies to all 
of the commingled funds.

[53 FR 34439, Sept. 6, 1988, as amended at 54 FR 47031, Nov. 8, 1989; 57 
FR 27119, June 17, 1992; 60 FR 1943, Jan. 5, 1995; 60 FR 17445, Apr. 6, 
1995; 60 FR 56910, Nov. 9, 1995; 61 FR 11476, Mar. 20, 1996; 61 FR 
18674, Apr. 29, 1996; 65 FR 70215, Nov. 21, 2000; 68 FR 56404, Sept. 30, 