NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY  Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
1995 Phase 2 

Metal Thin-Film Optical Polarizer  

Polatomic, Inc. 

Richardson, TX 

    Method for making polarizing material by depositing ellipsoidal metal particles on a transparent surface
Nano-Structure of  Elongated Silver Polarizing Nano Spheroids Comprising Filter
Nano-Structure of Elongated Silver Polarizing Nano Spheroids Comprising Filter
  • Polarizing filter demonstrated with contrast of up to 10,000 at visible light wavelength
  • Polarizering filters made for visible and near infrared spectral band (400 nm to 3000 nm)
  • Received $600,000 contract with Lucent Technologies to apply to telecommunications products
  • Spun off new firm, Integrated Photonics, Inc., with $5.5 million of investor funding to pursue thin film metal polarizers for telecommunication applications
  • Replace crystal beam-splitter polarizers in science instruments which are expensive, bulky and of limited size
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to
company representative

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Curator: SBIR Support            3/17/06