NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY Dryden Flight Research Center 
1994 Phase II

Laser Radar Vibrometer 

Coherent Technologies, Inc. (CTI)

Lafayette, CO 

    Laser Radar Remote Sensing Vibrometer
Laser Radar Vibrometer Transceiver
Laser Radar Vibrometer Transceiver
Optional Powerpoint file
    • The NASA vibrometer work was successful in demonstration of short range vibration detection
    • Successful spin off into DOD efforts in long range vibrometry resulting in significant development contracts with Navy and Air Force (>$3M).
    • The resulting products will have the potential to serve large military and commercial markets.
    • “On-line” diagnostics of incipient mechanical failure of critical aircraft systems by remotely sensing aircraft vibrations.
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative

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Curator: SBIR Support