NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY Goddard Space Flight Center 
1993 Phase II

AIGaN UV Solar-Blind Detector Array

Superior Vacuum Technology Associates

Eden Prairie, MN 

    Protovoltaic detector array with high quantum efficiency fabricated from aluminum gallium nitride (AIGaN)
ALGaN Solar-Blind Detector Array
One Element of Aluminum 
Gallium Nitride 1x10 
Photovoltaic Detector Array
Optional Powerpoint file
    • Demonstrated AIGaN UV detector which is blind to visible and IR wavelengths, with best published UV/visible rejection ratios for nitride detector
    • Detector capable of 90% quantum efficiency response at 360 nm and shorter wavelength response better than commercial Si UV enhanced diodes
    • Developed nitride growth technology using RF nitrogen plasma source
    • Over 45 RF nitrogen plasma sources have been sold to multiple industrial users and universities at $30 K each for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) nitride deposition
    • Five MBE systems designed fro AIGaN growth sold
    • Delivering AIGaN device epitaxy wafers to numerous research groups
    • High temperatures flame sensor for combustion monitoring
    • UV focal plane array for astronomical observations
    • Missile detection and guidance
    • UV spectroscopy
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative

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Curator: SBIR Support