NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY  Langley Research Center
1997 Phase 2 

Packaging Technology for Long-Lifetime Space-Based Lasers  

Fibertek, Inc. 

Herndon, VA 

    A space-qualifiable laser (SQL) prototype ready for extensive testing including vibration, thermal vacuum, and lifetime testing
Fibertek Laser for CALIPSO Mission
Fibertek Laser for CALIPSO Mission
  • Developed procedures for space-qualifiable laser manufacturing
  • Designed and built a 250 mJ prototype Nd:YAG laser for space-based remote sensing applications
  • Evaluated laser and material performance in a vacuum environment
  • Laser logged over two billion pulses with less than 10% reduction in output
  • Manufactured and delivered two space-qualified laser systems for NASA/Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation
  • The SBIR supported technology development has enhanced Fibertek's sales of laser transmitters for the space based remote sensing lidar market
  • $ 6.5 M contract with Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. for the delivery of two space-qualified lasers (CALIPSO)
  • Miniaturization of the technology has lead to products aimed at the market for unmanned aerial vehicle based remote sensing lidars
  • Incorporation of injection seeding is leading to laser transmitters suitable for Doppler wind lidar systems
  • Flight laser has been integrated onto NASA's Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) Mission, scheduled for launch in 2006
  • Received NASA SBIR Phase III funding for additional development of laser technology
  • Received Air Force Research Laboratory SBIR to develop 1 J laser systems for space-based remote-sensing applications
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to
company representative

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Aerospace , Earth/Environmental Sciences , Instrumentation , Optics , Space Systems

Curator: SBIR Support            3/17/06