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Section 232 Project-specific Assistance to Community Housing Development Organizations

 Information by State
 Print version
From the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access
[Laws in effect as of January 6, 1999]
[Document not affected by Public Laws enacted between
January 6, 1999 and October 26, 2000]
[CITE: 42USC12772]




Part B--Community Housing Partnership

Sec. 232. Project-specific assistance to community housing development organizations

  1. In general
    Amounts reserved under section 12771 of this title may be used for
    activities eligible under section 12742 of this title and, in amounts
    not to exceed 10 percent of the amounts so reserved, for other
    activities specified under this section.

  2. Project-specific technical assistance and site control loans
    1. In general
      Amounts reserved under section 12771 of this title may be used to provide technical assistance and site control loans to community housing development organizations in the early stages of site development for an eligible project. Such loans shall not exceed amounts that the jurisdiction determines to be customary and reasonable project preparation costs allowable under paragraph (2).
    2. Allowable expenses
      A loan under this subsection may be provided to cover project expenses necessary to determine project feasibility (including costs of an initial feasibility study), consulting fees, costs of preliminary financial applications, legal fees, architectural fees, engineering fees, engagement of a development team, site control and title clearance.
    3. Repayment
      A community housing development organization that receives a loan under this subsection shall repay the loan to the participating jurisdiction's HOME Investment Trust Fund from construction loan proceeds or other project income. The participating jurisdiction may waive repayment of the loan, in part or in whole, if there are impediments to project development that the participating jurisdiction determines are reasonably beyond the control of the borrower.

  3. Project-specific seed money loans
    1. In general
      Amounts reserved under section 12771 of this title may be used to provide loans to community housing development organizations to cover preconstruction project costs that the jurisdiction determines to be customary and reasonable, including, but not limited to the costs of obtaining firm construction loan commitments, architectural plans and specifications, zoning approvals, engineering studies and legal fees.
    2. Eligible sponsors
      A loan under this subsection may be provided only to a community housing development organization that has, with respect to the project concerned, site control, a preliminary financial commitment, and a capable development team.
    3. Repayment
      A community housing development organization that receives a loan under this subsection shall repay the loan to the jurisdiction's HOME Investment Trust Fund from construction loan proceeds or other project income. The participating jurisdiction may waive repayment of the loan, in whole or in part, if there are impediments to project development that the participating jurisdiction determines are reasonably beyond the control of the borrower.

(Pub. L. 101-625, title II, Sec. 232, Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4115.)

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