NASA SBIR SUCCESS        STORY Marshall Space Flight Center
1998 Phase II

Pulsed Electric Field Biological Cell Selection

Science Research Laboratory, Inc.

Somerville, MA

    New pulsed electric field (PEF) cell selection technology can be used for combating radiation exposure during space missions, as well as for purging cancer cells for bone marrow transplants in support of high-dose chemotherapy, isolating stem cells in support of gene therapy, and electroporating stem cells for transfection.

  • Demonstrated 5 log reduction of myeloma cells in simulated bone marrow.
  • Demonstrated essentially complete removal of myeloma cells in bone marrow from multiple myeloma patients.
  • Demonstrated 10 4 reduction of breast cancer cells (MCF-7) in suspension.
  • Developed high-throughput, flowing PEF system.
  • Initiating new venture (CelTek) after full demonstration of PEF cell selection technology.
  • Established intellectual property base: U.S. patent 6043066, with two patents pending.
  • Clinical trials for myeloma purging to be initiated in 1 year.
  • Market entry in 2005.
  • Protect NASA personnel from the effects of ionizing radiation in International Space Station and on interplanetary missions.
  • Protect against the effects of radiation accidents.
  • Broad applications in oncology and gene therapy.
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