NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY  Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
2003 Phase II 

Durable Silver Coating for Large Aperture Optics 

Surface Optics Corporation 

San Diego, CA 

    Produced highly uniform optical quality durable silver films on large area curved surfaces
1.5 Meter Primary Mirror for Kepler Spacecraft
1.5 Meter Primary Mirror for Kepler Spacecraft
  • Adapted Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s mirror coating recipe to company’s large aperture coating facility
  • Demonstrated optical quality durable silver coating on large curved mirrors
  • Received SBIR Phase II award from the Missile Defense Agency to adapt process to provide x-ray hard mirror coatings
  • Mirror coating process used for primary mirror for NASA’s Kepler mission, 2008 launch
  • Mirror coating process used to make mirror for Moon Mineralogy Mapper instrument for India’s satellite Chandrayaan-1, 2008 launch
  • Potential application in Terrestrial Planet Finder coronagraph and interferometer, also metrology and lithography
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to
company representative

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Biomedical/Medical, Manufacturing/Fabrication, Optics

Curator: SBIR Support            1/31/08