1985 Phase II

Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring System

Cardiodynamics International Corporation

San Diego, CA

    A hemodynamic patient monitoring system which enables physicians to rapidly and accurately analyze patient hemodynamic status in a less costly, non-invasive, real-time manner.
Cardiac Output Mobile Monitoring System
Cardiac Output Mobile Monitoring System

  • Translates electrical conductivity in the thorax into blood flow data
  • Twelve parameters are measured or derived and displayed in real time, including: cardiac output/index, two measurements of contractility, systemic vascular resistance, and thoracic fluid content
  • The BioZ System (second generation system), which features advanced digital signal processing, received FDA approval in November 1996.
  • In September 1997, the firm received FDA approval for the Portable BioZ System.
  • The Company has announced that GE Medical Systems Information Technologies plans to purchase $3.5 million of CardioDynamics' products.
  • Recurring revenue for the first quarter 2001 was $360,000 (9% of sales), an increase of 70% over recurring revenue of $212,000 for the same period in fiscal 2000.
  • The firm has reported it’s 1st Profitable year (2002), 18th Consecutive Quarter of increased sales and a 20% increase in third quarter 2001 sales.
  • Net sales for the third Quarter of 2002 were 6.3 millions dollars.
  • The firm recently announced that Pfizer Global Research and Development purchased BioZ Systems for its Research Clinic in the United Kingdom. This represents Pfizer's second multiple-unit order for its research clinics in Europe.
  • The firm has announced that it ranked 287th in the 2003 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on five-year percentage revenue growth from 1998-2002. The firm has grown revenue 1,021 percent during this period.
  • Procedure provides an easy to use, non-invasive, cost effective alternative to the Pulmonary Artery (Swan-Ganz™) Catheter for monitoring cardiac function in government medical facilities
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative

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