

U.S. House of Representatives

News Release

Committee Republican Staff Report on GSA Administrator "Investigation"

March 28, 2007

On March 28, 2007 at 10:00 a.m., the Committee will hold a hearing entitled “Allegations of Misconduct at the General Services Administration.” This hearing is part of an investigation Chairman Waxman initiated in response to a January 19, 2007 front page story in the Washington Post. The newspaper published allegations concerning an internal investigation by the General Services Administration (GSA) Inspector General into a contemplated arrangement between GSA and a well-recognized firm specializing in diversity and small business issues. In addition Doan is said to have intervened in the negotiation process for the exercise of an option under a Federal Supply Schedule contract held by Sun Microsystems, intervened in an on-going suspension and debarment process, as well as engaging in partisan campaign activities on federal property. Our staff has carefully analyzed the facts and circumstances surrounding these charges. This staff report provides a closer look at the allegations raised and evidence submitted to date against the Administrator of General Services.

Download the Report (PDF)