NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY Glenn Research Center 
1993 Phase II

Unstructured Density Based CFD Methodology for Gas Turbine Combustor Applications

CFD Research Corporation

Huntsville, AL

A new methodology for efficient generation of large high-quality tetrahedral and prismatic meshes for CFD gas turbine combustor and other applications
CFD-GEOM, with a direct link to UniGraphics, accepts true CAD data without IGES translation and generates complete unstructured grid systems with minimal user input
CFD-GEOM, with a direct link to 
UniGraphics, accepts true CAD data
without IGES translation and generates 
complete unstructured grid systems with 
minimal user input
Optional Powerpoint file
Developed software package CFD- GEOM with:
    • Automatic curvature based unstructured grid generation on trimmed-NURBS geometry models
    • Interactive assignment of boundary and volume conditions, directly on the geometry, configurable for various flow solvers
    • Tetrahedral grid mesher for large grids (100K-300K cells per minute) based on Delauney and Advancing Front technique
    • Prismatic grid mesher for resolution of boundary layers based on Advancing Layers Method
    • Direct interface to commercial CAD systems
    • CFD-GEOM is being marketed as a stand-alone product for structured and unstructured grids, as well as in conjunction with CFDRC flow solvers
    • Installed at more than 250 organizations worldwide for a variety of CFD grid applications. The average license fee is ~$5K
    • Standard grid generation software for the National Combustor Code (NCC) computational framework
    • Several Phase III extensions by NASA and CFDRC with NASA contributing $375K
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative

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Curator: SBIR Support