
Full Committee Hearing on Mortgage CEO Severance Packages

March 7, 2008

Hearing Documents

Ranking Member Davis' Opening Statement

 Minority Hearing Memo

 Supbrime Crisis Timeline presented by Rep. Issa

Median Housing Prices Chart presented by Rep. Issa

Panel One

Dr. Susan M. Wachter
Richard B. Worley Professor of Financial Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 

The Honorable William F. Galvin
Secretary of State, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Honorable Brenda L. Lawrence
Mayor, City of Southfield, MI 

Dr. Anthony Yezer
Professor of Economics, The George Washington University

Ms. Nell Minow
Editor and Co-Founder, The Corporate Library

Panel Two

Mr. Charles Prince
Former Chairman and CEO, Citigroup

Mr. Richard D. Parsons
Chair, Personnel and Compensation Committee, Citigroup

Mr. E. Stanley O'Neal
Former Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch

Mr. John D. Finnegan
Chair, Management Development & Compensation Committee, Merrill Lynch

Mr. Angelo R. Mozilo
Founder and CEO, Countrywide Financial Corporation

Mr. Harley W. Snyder
Chair, Compensation Committee, Countrywide Financial Corporation