2004 Phase II 

Surface Operations Data Analysis and Adaptation (SODAA) Tool  

Mosaic ATM Inc. 

Leesburg, VA 


  • The Surface Operations Data Analysis and Adaptation (SODAA) tool stores data relevant to airport surface research and facilitates searching, visualizing, and analyzing that data, with the goal of improving understanding of airport surface operations
  • Data mining capabilities support research of taxi routing, departure sequencing, and congestion management strategies used by air traffic controllers
TPF Visible Light Coronagraph Observatory Concept
Screenshot of Mosaic ATM’s Surface Operations Data
Analysis and Adaptation (SODAA) Tool

  • The SODAA tool will reduce the time and cost required to build and maintain Surface Management System (SMS) adaptation data sets.
  • Functions built into the SODAA tool can automatically extract traffic management rules that were previously created manually by the expert opinion of the adaptation developer or through interviews with subject matter experts
  • The SODAA tool will facilitate benefits and other studies by readily providing large sets of data without each researcher needing to separately collect appropriate data.
  • The significant costs of aviation delays and the opportunity to reduce such delays through this effort result in a strong market for the SODAA technology
  • Air carriers could use SODAA to improve efficiencies in their operations or planning decisions at hub airports
  • Airport authorities have expressed interest in SODAA’s data recording capabilities for improving the accuracy of their billing for landing/takeoff operations and noise abatement functions
  • For NASA and the FAA, the SODAA tool can support the development of airport adaptations for surface automation systems and to foster fundamental understanding of surface operations and traffic management.
  • Additionally, SODA provides a repository for data that may be used in other NASA and FAA projects
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Aeronautics, Aviation, Transportation

Curator: SBIR Support            3/19/08