NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY Goddard Space Flight Center
1990 Phase II

Spacecraft Supercomputer Prototype

Omitron, Inc.

Greenbelt, MD

    Transputer based multi-node ParallelProcessingComputer Board
Transputer Based Multi-Node Parallel ProcessingComputer Board
Transputer Based Multi-Node Parallel
Processing Computer Board
Optional Powerpoint file
  • Developed an architecture which exceeds the computational speeds of commercial units using similar topologies
  • Developed the system to be spacecraft migrateable
  • Delivered a prototype to the Goddard Space Flight Center
    Received contract from NASA Langley Research Center to develop a similar parallel processing board for use in modeling fault tolerant computing systems for spacecraft
    Product(s) Developed
    • Multi-mode Transputer based parallel processing system with 8 megs of RAM per node
    • Board has an open link architecture which enables it to be linked with an infinite number of additional boards for increased computing  power
    • Board is fully software configurablerbine blade Thermal
  • Spacecraft Image Processing
  • Stress analysis, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and plasma physics
  • Simulation of complex physical systems, such as spacecraft, or electronic circuits
  • Graphics in which the location of vectors on a CRT are computed for different views or scale
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative

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Curator: SBIR Support