NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY Marshall Space Flight Center 
1995 Phase II

Sounding Rocket Validation of Low-Cost Launch Vehicle Technology

Microcosm, Inc.

El Segundo, CA

    Small suborbital rocket.
First SR-S Vehicle on Erector-Launcher
First SR-S Vehicle on Erector-Launcher
Optional Powerpoint file
    • Development stage:  Prototype
    • Constructed vehicle and launcher -- scheduled flight test for 1/99
    • Product/service name or trademark name:  ScorpiusTM
    • US Patent No. 5799902 issued 9/98
    • Primary target/potential market sectors:  Microgravity experiments, sounding rockets, and target vehicles
    • Very strong interest expressed by military community in low-cost target vehicle
    • Unique competitive advantage:  Cost estimated at one-half to one-third of existing vehicles
    • Potential use by the US Air Force, US Navy, US Army, and BMDO, for use during weapons testing and operations training
    • Received NASA SBIR Phase III contract for $198,421 as a continuation of their Phase II effort
    • When fully developed as a launch vehicle, saving could be in excess of $100M/year in suborbital vehicles alone
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative

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Curator: SBIR Support