NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY  Goddard Space Flight Center  
1990 Phase II 

Input ShapingTM Software for Machine Control  

Convolve, Inc. 

Armonk, NY 

    Developed Input ShapingTM commands to improve machine performance
Input ShapingTM Software for Machine Control
Input ShapingTM enable Seagate computer disk head testers to more than double throughput
Optional Powerpoint file
    • Performance improved by reducing vibration settling time
    • Method can be applied to new systems quickly
    • Method robust - insensitive to system or environmental changes
    • Effectively eliminates sway on large crane systems
    • Seagate computer disk head testing machine over three times faster with Input ShapingTM
    • Input ShapingTM software enables Seagate to more than double throughput of disk head manufacturing
    • Several linear motion and machine tool manufacturers are implementing Input ShapingTM
    • Input ShapingTM has been implemented on a standard Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and is now being sold as an anti-sway device for cranes as the No-SwayTM system
    • Increased the performance of space shuttle Endeavor payload experiment (Mid-Deck Active Control Experiment, May 2, 1995)
    • Available for use on upcoming space-bound payloads
    • Input ShapingTM has been installed on large capacity cranes at the DOE Savannah River facility and at Argonne National Labs
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to company representative  

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