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NPD 9710.1T
Effective Date: November 10, 2004
Expiration Date: November 10, 2009
Printable Format (PDF)

(NASA Only)

Subject: Delegation of Authority-To Authorize or Approve Temporary Duty Travel on Official Business and Related Matters

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Financial Officer

1. Policy

a. It is the policy of NASA that officials shall authorize and approve travel and transportation only when officially justified in order to meet essential mission requirements in an effective and economical manner, consistent with good management practices.

b. All travel shall be authorized by appropriate officials designated in paragraph 6 of this directive or through their redelegations. Ordinarily, a travel authorization shall be issued before expenses are incurred. (As used in this directive, "authorize" is a pre-travel action; "approve" is a post-travel action.)

c. Except as stated in paragraph 6, travel should be authorized and approved by at least one organizational level above the traveler. This also applies to travel on government aircraft.

d. This NPD addresses only Temporary Duty Travel (TDY), which is comprised of Local, Continental U.S. (CONUS), Foreign, Non-Foreign, Actual Subsistence, Extended Temporary Duty, and Invitational Travel for both Direct and Reimbursable Funds (see the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Index for definitions).

e. No subordinate may authorize or approve the travel of his or her own supervisor.

2. Applicability

This NPD applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities.

3. Authority

a. 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1), Section 203(c)(1) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended.

b. 31 U.S.C. 1353.

c. 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709.


a. 41 C.F.R. Part 301, Temporary Duty Travel Allowance.

b. 5 C.F.R. Part 301, Payment of Travel Expenses from Non-Federal Sources.

c. 5 CFR Part 2635, Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch.

d. Financial Management Manual (FMM) 9090, Reimbursable Agreements.

e. FMM 9700, NASA Federal Travel Regulation Supplement.

f. NPD 1030.1, Acceptance by Employees of Gifts or Decorations From Foreign Governments and Gifts To Foreign Individuals.

g. NPD 3410.2, Employee and Organization Development.

5. Responsibility

a. Authorizing and approving officials shall be cognizant of the FTR and NASA's travel policies and procedures as outlined in FMM 9700, NASA Federal Travel Regulation Supplement, and establish controls to ensure that only travel essential to the purposes of the government and for accomplishment of the Agency's mission in the most effective and economical manner is authorized or approved.

b. Authorizing officials should be aware of travel plans, including plans to take annual leave in conjunction with travel, and shall ensure appropriate consideration of the need for the travel, the use of travel substitutes (e.g., mail, teleconferencing, and videoconferencing), and the most cost-effective routing and means of accomplishing the travel. Each employee's travel shall be authorized separately.

c. All foreign temporary duty travel must be coordinated with the Office of External Relations.

d. All reimbursable agreements for temporary duty travel must be concurred in by the Office of the General Counsel or the Center Chief Counsel, as appropriate. The Financial Management Division at Headquarters and each Center must review all reimbursable in-kind travel.

6. Delegation of Authority

a. The Administrator (or an official serving in such position in an "acting" capacity) may authorize and approve his or her own TDY and the TDY for all others Agencywide.

b. The Deputy Administrator and the Chief Financial Officer (or officials serving in such positions in an "acting" capacity) may authorize and approve their own TDY and the TDY for all others Agencywide, except the Administrator.

c. All other Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices and Center Directors (or officials serving in such positions in an "acting" capacity) may authorize and approve their own TDY and the TDY of all others within their budgetary area of responsibility, subject to the provisions of this NPD.

d. All Headquarters Divisions Directors and Center Directorate Directors (or officials serving in such positions in an "acting" capacity) may authorize their own travel request; however, travel vouchers must be approved by an official that is at least one organizational level above the traveler. They may also authorize and approve the TDY of all others within their budgetary area of responsibility, subject to the provisions of this NPD.

e. All redelegations are not to exceed 6 months and must be in writing. An electronic signature PIN of both the delegating and receiving official must be maintained in the Travel Manager system.

7. Measurements

Data for the measures and metrics will be collected in the quantitative measures review and evaluation process that serves as part of the functional evaluation of financial management activities within the Agency.

8. Cancellation

NPD 9710.1P dated July 24, 2002.

/s/ Sean O'Keefe

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