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Topic: Home > President Bush

President Bush Meets with President Torrijos of Panama
President Bush on Wednesday said, "We talked about bilateral issues. One key issue, of course, is the free trade agreement .. - 8.0KB
17 Sep 08
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President Bush Receives a Briefing on Hurricane Ike Damage
President Bush on Tuesday said, "We're fixing to go down to Galveston and obviously are going to see a devastated part of .. - 10.6KB
16 Sep 08
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President Bush Receives Update on Hurricane Ike Response and Relief Efforts
President Bush on Monday said, "I'm going down tomorrow. I'm looking forward to going down. Members of my .. - 8.2KB
15 Sep 08
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President Bush Receives Update on Hurricane Ike
President Bush on Sunday said, "I do urge people in the affected areas to listen closely to local authorities before they attempt to ... - 9.8KB
14 Sep 08
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President Bush Participates in Roundtable Meeting on Economy
President Bush on Monday said, "I have come to talk about the economic situation in the country. A lot of the people down .. - 10.8KB
20 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with President Sarkozy of France and President Barroso of the European ...
President Bush on Saturday said, "This is a trying time for all our nations. I am confident that we will .. - 16.6KB
18 Oct 08
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President Bush Discusses the Visa Waiver Program
President Bush on Friday said, "I believe the best foreign policy for America is one that lets people from other countries get .. - 10.0KB
17 Oct 08
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President Bush Signs H.R. 7222, the Andean Trade Preference Act Extension
President Bush on Thursday said, "With this bill, our nation is showing our commitment to economic growth in our .. - 10.6KB
16 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with Cabinet
President Bush on Wednesday said, "We analyzed the situation very carefully. And the American people must understand that this carefully ... - 8.0KB
15 Oct 08
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President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with Iraq Provincial Reconstruction ..
President Bush on Wednesday said, "I've just finished a meeting with our Ambassador, and General Odierno, .. - 6.6KB
15 Oct 08
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