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President Bush Visits Department of the Treasury
President Bush on Friday said, "And so I just went up to thank people. Sometimes people in government never get thanked enough .. - 7.0KB
03 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with Representatives of American Businesses on the Economic Rescue ..
President Bush on Thursday said, "And I want to thank you all for going up and telling these members of .. - 9.3KB
02 Oct 08
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President Bush Attends United States Service Organizations World Gala
President Bush on Wednesday said, "I'm proud to be here on this special night. The USO sure knows how to make a .. - 14.2KB
01 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with General David McKiernan, Commander for NATO International ..
President Bush on Wednesday said, "Obviously, this is a situation where there's been progress, and there are .. - 8.9KB
01 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with President Adamkus of Lithuania
President Bush on Monday said, "I've enjoyed working with you on a variety of issues. Lithuania's ascension into NATO is a .. - 8.2KB
29 Sep 08
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President Bush Presents 2007 National Medals of Science and Technology and Innovation
President Bush on Monday said, "This is a joyous day for the White House as we honor some of our nation's .. - 16.7KB
29 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with President Yushchenko of Ukraine
President Bush on Monday said, "You and I just had a good discussion about a variety of issues. We discussed, you know, the .. - 8.2KB
29 Sep 08
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President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with President Karzai of Afghanistan, ..
President Bush on Friday said, "My reaction to our conversation is, one, there was promise and progress. ... - 11.7KB
26 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Great Britain
President Bush on Friday said, "The United States has got a great friendship with Great Britain. And you and I .. - 9.7KB
26 Sep 08
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President Bush Discusses U.S. Ocean Action Plan
President Bush on Friday said, "I believe that the research that's going on and the actions that will be taken by this administration ... - 22.2KB
26 Sep 08
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